Preparation for Optometry
College of Arts and Sciences
Biological Sciences, 217 Life Sciences, 419-372-2332
Chemistry, 141 Overman Hall, 419-372-2031
Arts and Sciences, 205 Administration Building, 419-372-2015
Requirements vary for admission to optometry schools and colleges. Typically, they include courses in English, mathematics, physics, chemistry, and biology.
The following are recommended by most optometry schools:
- Anatomy (full year)
- Biochemistry with lab (one semester)
- Calculus
- English composition
- General biology (full year)
- General chemistry with labs (full year)
- Genetics (one semester)
- Introductory psychology
- Microbiology (one semester)
- Organic chemistry with labs (full year)
- Physics (full year)
Requirements of specific schools should be examined before planning the coursework for the sophomore year. A list of accredited schools and college of optometry in the United States can be obtained from the American Optometric Association, 243 N. Lindbergh Blvd., St. Louis, MO 63141 ( Note: Optometry school prerequisite courses vary and the student is responsible for checking admissions requirements for the schools of their choice.
In addition to completing the group requirements for the degree sought, a student should plan to take the required courses to complete a major and a minor.
Updated: 12/01/2017 10:21PM