Preparation for Occupational Therapy
College of Arts and Sciences
205 Administration Building, 419-372-2015
Occupational therapy—an auxiliary medical service in which normal activities are used as remedial treatment in the rehabilitation of patients—is being used increasingly in hospitals, schools, rehabilitation centers, and related institutions. Such therapy is prescribed by physicians and applied by trained therapists as part of the treatment of an adult or a child in the areas of orthopedics, psychiatry, general medicine, and surgery. In addition, occupational therapists may work in elementary and secondary schools. Professional occupational therapy programs differ greatly in preprofessional course requirements.
While advising of a general nature is available through the College of Arts and Sciences, the student should contact the institution in which admission will be sought to ensure that specific preprofessional and admission criteria are met. For a complete listing of Occupational Therapy Programs, see the AOTA website— The pre-occupational therapy student is urged to confer frequently with an advisor, particularly with respect to planning coursework for subsequent semesters and for meeting the admission requirements of the preferred occupational therapy program.
Updated: 12/01/2017 10:21PM