College of Arts and Sciences
318 East Hall, 419-372-0534
Minor only (21 hours)
An interdepartmental and interdisciplinary program designed for the student who is interested in linguistics primarily for its relevance to the major field. The program requires 21 hours of coursework, appropriately selected from courses recommended by the linguistics advisor. No work can be counted both for the major and the minor. Minor courses may not be taken under the S/U grading option.
Required courses
- Either ENG 2900 or 3800, and 3810 (6)
- One from (remainder may be used as electives): GERM 4820, SPAN 4550, or comparable linguistic-based courses for other languages (3-4)
- Electives chosen from relevant courses in English, psychology, CDIS, COMM, or other departments as approved by the linguistics advisor (10-12)
Updated: 12/01/2017 10:21PM