Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree for Creative Writing Major
College of Arts and Sciences
Each student must complete the degree requirements listed below, preferably in the freshman and sophomore years, and must satisfy the requirements for a major in creative writing and a minor in an area of specialization. Major and minor courses may not be taken "S/U." Courses counted in the major may not also be counted in the minor. A portfolio and interviews are required to continue into the 3000-and 4000-level workshop classes. Creative writing majors are required to produce a senior thesis and give a senior reading of the thesis work.
Degree Requirements
Group I - English Composition
Completion of GSW 1120 or demonstration by examination of proficiency in written expression equivalent to that attained by a student who completes GSW 1120. (A 3-hour penalty is imposed if GSW 1120 is not completed within the first 60 hours. A 4-hour penalty is imposed if GSW 1120 is completed after 90 hours.
Group II - Foreign Languages
Each student is required to demonstrate a proficiency in a language by one of the options listed below:
- Graduating from a high school where all instructino was conducted in a langauge other than English;
- Demistrate proficiency in the langauge on the 2020 course level;
- Having comleted four years of one language in high school (student must have completed the fourth full year, for example, Spanish IV, and recieved credit for these courses);
- Having completed one of the departmental options listed below (12 - 14 hours minimum in same language area or fewer by advanced placement).
Note: Foreign language courses numbered 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020, 2120 apply only to Group II and will not fulfill Group V.
German, Russian, East Asian Languages (Chinese, Japanese)
- Completion of GERM 1010 and 1020 plus a minimum of six additional hours from: GERM 1170, 1180, 2010, 2020, 2170, 2180, 2310, 3310 and/or GERM 2600, 3150, 3160, 3600, 4150;
- Completion of CHIN 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020;
- Completion of JAPN 1010, 1020, plus a minimum of six additional hours from: JAPN 2010, 2020, 2150, 2160, 3120, and 4150;
- Completion of RUSN 1010 and 1020 plus a minimum of six additional hours from RUSN 2010, 2020, 2150, 2160, 3130, 3170, 3310 and/or 3120, 4150.
Romance and Classical Studies (French, Greek, Italian, Latin, Spanish)
- Option I:
- FREN 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020;
- GRK 1010 and 1020 and six additional hours from GRK 2010, 2020, CLCV 2410, 2420, 2450;
- ITAL 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020;
- LAT 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020;
- SPAN 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020;
- Option II: (one of the following)
- FREN 1010, 1020, 2010, 2120;
- LAT 1010, 1020 and two of LAT 2010; CLCV 2410, 2420, 2450;
- SPAN 1010, 1020, 2010, 2120;
- American Sign Language: EDIS 3240, 3250, 3260, 3270;
A student may transfer at any point from Option I to Option II, but not vice versa. Course 2020 is required for admission to 3000-level courses. Credit toward a degree is not granted for foreign language courses which duplicate more than two units of high school study.
Group III - Mathematics, computation and natural sciences
Each student must complete at least two courses from the BG Perspective program, including at least one course approved for laboratory credit and one approved quantitative literacy course as listed in the College of Arts and Sciences Handbook.
Group IV - Social sciences
Each student must complete one course in addition to the BG Perspective program in one or more of these subjects. A list of approved ethnic studies courses is printed in the College of Arts and Sciences Handbook.
Group V - Humanities
Each student must complete three courses in addition to the BG Perspective requirements. Of the five total required, courses must be chosen from at least four of the above disciplines. Foreign language courses numbered 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020, 2120 apply to Group II, not Group V. One course taken in the student's major may be counted in this group. A list of courses approved for the Group V requirement is printed in the College of Arts and Sciences Handbook.
Updated: 12/01/2017 10:21PM