Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree for Art Major
College of Arts and Sciences
The School of Art is accredited by the National Association of Schools of Art and Design and offers several degree options in the visual arts. Central among them is the bachelor of fine arts degree. The requirements for the B.F.A. degree, in addition to the general requirements listed in the Academic Policies section of this catalog, include the passing of an initial portfolio review upon admission and completion of:
- Degree requirements;
- A core of three art foundation courses;
- A major in two-dimensional studies including:
- 10 required courses within the two-dimensional studio major;
- 2 couses in 2D studio capstone;
- 7 courses of studio art support;
- 4 courses of art history;
- Necessary hours of electives from within the School of Art or college;
- 2 courses of academic electives;
- OR a major in three-dimensional studies including:
- 10 required courses within the three-dimensional studio major;
- 3 courses in 3D studio capstone;
- 5 courses of studio art support;
- 4 courses of art history;
- Necessary hours of electives from within the School of Art or college;
- 2 courses of academic electives;
- OR a digital arts major including:
- 8 courses of required courses within the digital arts major (either animation, imaging, or interactive art);
- 7 courses of studio art support;
- 2 courses of digital arts studio captone;
- 4 course of art history;
- Necessary hours of electives from within the School of Art or college;
- CS 1010 or CS 2010
- 1 course of academic electives;
- OR a graphic design major including:
- 2 required courses within the graphic design studio core;
- A successful second portfolio review after ARTD 2020;
- 8 required courses within the graphic design studio area, on being a required Internship;
- 4 required courses of Graphic Design Studio Capstone, three being required Senior Thesis;
- 6 courses of studio art support;
- 4 courses of art history;
- Necessary hours of electives from within the School of Art or college;
- 2 courses of academic electives;
- OR a major in art education including:
- 7 courses of 2D or 3D studio requirements;
- 2 courses of studio art support;
- 4 courses of art history;
- 5 courses of art education core;
- 2 courses of art education capstone;
- 4 courses of art electives;
To fulfill the prerequisites for teaching internship, a student must receive a "C" or better in GSW 1120, COMM 1020, and EDTL 2010; complete ARTE 2520, 3520, 3820, 4070 and 4520; and maintain a 2.5 minimum accumulative GPA. For licensure and certification, students must successfully pass the Praxis exam.
- Major courses may not be taken "S/U".
Degree Requirements
Group I - English Composition
Completion of GSW 1120 or demonstration by examination of proficiency in written expression equivalent to that attained by a student who completes GSW 1120. (A 3-hour penalty is imposed if GSW 1120 is not completed within the first 60 hours. A 4-hour penalty is imposed if GSW 1120 is completed after 90 hours.)
Group II - Foreign Languages
Each student is required to demonstrate a proficiency in a language by one of the options listed below:
- Completing a two-year study of one language in high school;
- Passing a proficiency examination in the language on the 1020 course level;
- Having graduated high school where all instruction was conducted in a langauge other than English;
- Having completed one of the departmental options listed below (6 -8 hours minimum in same language area or fewer by advanced placement).
- Chineses, German, Japanese, Russian
Completion of CHIN 1010 and 1020; or GERM 1010 and 1020; or JAPN 1010 or 1020, or RUSN 1010 and 1020. - French, Greek, Italian, Latin, Spanish
Completion of FREN 1010 and 1020; GRK 1010 and 1020; or ITAL 1010 and 1020; or LAT 1010 and 1020, or SPAN 1010 and 1020.
American Sign Language: EDIS 3240, 3250.
- Chineses, German, Japanese, Russian
Group III - Science, Mathematics, Computer Science
Each student must complete two courses from the BG Perspective program, including one course approved for laboratory credit and one approved quantitative literacy course as listed in the College of Arts and Sciences Handbook.
Group IV - Social Science
Each student must complete one course in addition to the BG Perspective program. Courses approved for social science credit are listed in the College of Arts and Sciences Handbook.
Group V - Arts and Humanities
In addition to the BG Perspective program, each student is required to complete one course in literature (American, English, or foreign) and two additional courses from the list of approved arts and humanities Group V courses found in the College of Arts and Sciences Handbook.
Note: Foreign language courses numbered 1010, 1020, 2010, 2020, 2120 apply to Group II, not Group V.
Students may count two required art history courses from the major in this area. Approved courses are listed in the College of Arts and Sciences Handbook.
Updated: 12/01/2017 10:21PM