
College of Arts and Sciences

1000 Fine Arts Center, 419-372-2786

The School of Art offers a Bachelor of Arts degree in Art with specializations in Two-Dimensional Studies, Three-Dimensional Studies, and Digital Arts. This program is designed for those wishing to study studio art within a broad liberal arts context. The degree does not require a portfolio review for admission. For University requirements related to admission to the B.A. degree in Art, please consult the Academic Policies section of this catalog. No classes used in the major may be counted toward the minor. Students should consult with an advisor for guidance in selecting courses.

The School of Art also offers a Bachelor of Arts in Art History degree. This program is designed for those wishing to study art history within a broad liberal and studio arts context. The requirements for the B.A. in Art History degree, in addition to the general requirements listed in the Academic Policies section of this catalog, are the completion of 45 semester hours. No classes used in the major may be counted toward the minor. Students should consult with an art history faculty advisor for guidance in selecting courses.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the baccalaureate degree, students in art are expected to:

  • Demonstrate basic technical abilities within studio media and/or scholarly abilities within art;
  • Engage in and apply scholarly and/or creative research in visual, written, and oral context;
  • Apply knowledge of art history, criticism, and theory to chosen field of study;
  • Demonstrate the ability to contextualize art experience within chosen field of study.

Major, Bachelor of Arts - minor required

The Bachelor of Arts in Art specialization in Two-Dimensional Studies requires completion of the three art foundation courses, three 2000-level 2D studio courses, two 3000-level 2D studio courses, and a 4000-level 2D studio course. The specialization in Three-Dimensional Studies requires completion of the three art foundation courses, three 2000-level 3D studio courses, two 3000-level 3D studio courses, and one 4000-level 3D studio course. The specialization in Digital Arts requires completion of the three art foundation courses, ARTC 2210, and five Digital Arts courses at the 3000 and 4000 level (with at least one being at the 4000 level). All BA students in a studio-based specialization must take four courses in Art History, the BA capstone class, necessary elective hours from within the School of Art and/or the College of Arts and Sciences, and must complete a minor (usually 21 hours).

Major, Art (42 hours)

B.A. Art 2D Specialization - Fall 2014 course requirements

B.A. Art 3D Specialization - Fall 2014 course requirements

B.A. Art Digital Arts Specialization - Fall 2014 course requirements

Minor, Art (21 hours)

  • ART 1020, 1030, 1120 (9)
  • ARTH 1450 (3)
  • ARTH 1460 (3)
  • ARTS elective (6)

he Bachelor of Arts in Art History requires the completion of ARTH 1450, 1460, 2700, and 2900, plus six courses selected from three of the four areas of ARTH 3000-level offerings, and three courses selected from a group of four ARTH 4000-level offerings. Students will also take ARTH 4900 as well as one ART 1000-level studio course or ARTS elective. Art history majors must complete a minor (usually 21 hours).

Major, Art History (45 hours) - Fall 2014 course requirements

Minor, Art History (21 hours)

  • Two courses from ARTH 1450, 1460, 2700 (6)
  • ARTH 2900 (3)
  • 2 ARTH electives 3000-level (6)
  • 1 ARTH elective 4000-level (3)
  • ARTH 4900 (3)

Major, Bachelor of Fine Arts

The School of Art offers studio majors in Two-Dimensional Studies, Three-Dimensional Studies, Art Education 2-D, Art Education 3-D, Digital Arts, and Graphic Design. The major in Two-Dimensional Studies requires completion of the 3 art foundation courses, 9 required courses within the major area, 2 courses in the 2D studio capstone, 6 courses of studio art support, 4 courses of art history, necessary hours of electives from within the School of Art or college, and 2 courses of academic electives. The major in Three-Dimensional Studies requires completion of the 3 art foundation courses, 10 required courses within the major area, 3 courses in the 3D studio capstone, 5 courses of studio art support, 4 courses of art history, necessary hours of electives from within the School of Art or college, and 3 courses of academic electives. The Digital Arts major requires completion of 3 art foundation courses, 8 courses in the major area, 2 courses of digital arts studio capstone, 7 courses of studio art support, 4 courses of art history, necessary hours of electives from within the School of Art or college, CS 2010, and 2 courses of academic electives. The major in Graphic Design requires completion of 3 art foundation courses, 2 studio core courses, pre-major review, 8 courses in the studio area, 2 courses of graphic design studio capstone, 6 courses of studio art support, 4 courses of art history, necessary hours of electives from within the School of Art or college, and 2 courses of academic electives. The Art Education major with a specialization in either 2D studies or 3D studies requires completion of 3 art foundation courses, 7 courses of 2D or 3D studio requirements, 2 courses of studio art support, 4 courses of art electives, 4 courses of art history, 5 courses of art education core, and 2 courses of art education capstone. Students should consult each semester with their B.F.A. advisor in the School of Art concerning progress and course sequence.

Two-Dimensional Studies - Fall 2014 course requirements

Three-Dimensional Studies - Fall 2014 course requirements

Graphic Design - Fall 2014 course requirements

* Students may become Pre-Graphic Design (Pre-GD) candidates at any time during their academic program. Following successful completion of the School of Art BFA Portfolio Review and Art Foundation (FYP) courses (ART 1020, 1030, and 1120), pre-majors will take ARTD 2010 and 2020. At the end of the ARTD 2020 course, all pre-graphic design candidates will take part in the Graphic Design Portfolio Review process in order to be considered for admission into the full BFA in Graphic Design degree program. Accepted students then continue with the necessary course requirements to complete the BFA in Graphic Design degree. Required components of the degree include successful completion of an Internship and a Senior Thesis, the latter being a three-semester self-guided experience, initiated during one's Junior year in the program. All transfer students interested in the BFA in Graphic Design degree program will be designated as Pre-Graphic Design candidates by default, until such time that they have successfully completed the School of Art BFA Portfolio Review, the Graphic Design Portfolio Review, and above coursework. Upper-level (3000- and 4000-level) ARTD courses are rarely accepted as transferred and equivalent program course credit, resulting in a minimum of four semesters (typically two years) in the program.

Digital Arts - Fall 2014 course requirements

Art Education
Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of the Art Education baccalaureate degree, students are expected to:

  • Examine the relationship and influence of the visual arts in social, historical, cultural, and aesthetic contexts;
  • Demonstrate proficiency in technical, conceptual, and critical abilities within studio media;
  • Plan and teach art curricula, based on theories of child development and first-hand experience with individual students, for pre-kindergarten through young adult learners;
  • Design art curricula that reflect the purposes of art education, the breadth of art, and the goals of a general education;
  • Demonstrate critical and reflective thinking, oral and written communication abilities, and management skills; and
  • Exhibit professional behavior when working with students, parents, other educators, and community members.

In addition to the BFA course requirements, the BFA Art Education majors are required to complete a specialization in either 2D Studies or 3D Studies. An Art Education major who has completed the degree program is eligible for multi-age (ages 3-21, preschool through grade 12) visual art licensure, providing that they have a minimum accumulative 2.5 GPA and have successfully completed the Praxis II examination. A degree can be completed in 8 semesters if the student also enrolls in summer school classes, or the student may elect to fulfill the requirements over 9 semesters. Graduates may also become employed in museum education and community arts programs.

To fulfill the prerequisites for teaching internship, students must:

  • complete the following with a "C" or better: GSW 1120; COMM 1020; EDTL 2010;
  • complete all ARTE courses (2520, 3520, 3820, 4070, and 4520)
  • maintain a 2.5 minimum accumulative GPA.

Art Education 2D - Fall 2014 course requirements


Art Education 3D - Fall 2014 course requirements

Students who hold an undergraduate degree and desire licensure to teach should contact a School of Art art education advisor. The following courses are required for teacher licensure: ARTE 2520, 3520, 3820, 4070, 4520, 4920/4970; COMM 1020; PSYC 1010; MATH elective; EDTL 2010; EDFI 3020; EDFI 4080; EDTL 2300 and EDTL 4210.

Updated: 01/05/2018 04:14PM