Associate of Technical Study

BGSU Firelands

Philip D. Weinsier, Ed.D., advisor

The associate of technical study degree is awarded for successful completion of an individually planned technical education program designed to respond to the needs for specialized technical education not currently available in the degree programs available at BGSU Firelands. The program must have an area of concentration in technical studies which is clearly identifiable with a career objective.

The area of concentration can be formed either by:

  • A coherent combination of technical courses selectively drawn from two or more technical programs currently offered by BGSU Firelands to serve a career objective which would not be adequately addressed by one of the existing programs; or
  • Courses completed or training received at other institutions of higher education, vocational centers, and/or other educational enterprises judged by BGSU Firelands to be of college level and worthy of college credit.

The development of the educational plan will be done jointly by the student and the advisor. Each candidate for this degree must complete an associate of technical study application that identifies the area of concentration and designates courses to be taken to complete the degree. The application will be forwarded to the Academic Review Board for review and approval. Any changes in the educational plan will require the signature of the academic advisor and the approval of the Academic Review Board. A student unable or unwilling to meet the college degree requirements, or who has submitted a proposal deemed unacceptable, will be denied admission into program.

Fall 2014 course requirements

Students considering this degree option should indicate the Pre-Associate of Technical Study program code on the Admissions application or a change of major form submitted to the Student Services Office. The student then should work with the assigned advisor(s) to propose a degree program that meets their occupational goals and the College's requirement for satisfactory completion of a minimum of 62 semester credit hours. Prior to the completion of 40 semester credit hours, each degree candidate must complete an associate of technical study application form outlining his or her intended area of concentration and designating course areas for further study to accommodate this plan. Each student's individual curriculum must meet the minimum requirements of 33 semester credit hours of technical studies, 14 semester credit hours of basic foundation courses, and 15 semester credit hours of general studies requirements.

Following approval of the application, each candidate must complete no fewer than 22 semester credit hours of coursework under the supervision of BGSU Firelands. At least 15 semester credit hours must be completed at BGSU Firelands.

A maximum of 30 semester credit hours can be recognized by BGSU Firelands for coursework completed at other public, private, or proprietary post-secondary institutions, vocational centers, and schools conducted by business and industry, prior to the declaration of candidacy for this degree.

Updated: 12/01/2017 10:22PM