Admissions and Financial Aid

BGSU Firelands

Debralee Divers, M.Ed., director of enrollment management & student retention services
Cheryl L. Chafee, B.S., assistant director of admissions and financial aid
Victoria Kontos, B.A., admissions & financial aid counselor
Desmond Carter, B.A., student services counselor, financial aid
Beth Fuller, secretary 2, admissions
Christine W. Stark, B.S., student loan specialist

The procedures for admission to Bowling Green State University are described in the Admissions Policies section of this catalog. Students seeking admission to BGSU Firelands should follow the same procedures; however, test scores are not required. If a student has not taken either of these tests, he/she will be required to take the ACT Compass Placement test before or during New Student Orientation/Registration. This allows for accurate placement in courses. For specific information, tours or an interview, contact the BGSU Firelands Office of Admissions.

The Financial Aid Office provides counseling services to all students who are interested in applying for federal, state, and campus-based financial aid. A variety of printed materials are maintained by this office for student use. Additionally, the Financial Aid Office provides enrollment certification services for students who are eligible for veterans administration educational benefits.

More than $130,000 in annual scholarships is administered by BGSU Firelands. Applications for these scholarships are available from the offices of admissions and financial aid and must be filed by May 1 to be considered for the next academic year. Special need analysis forms are not required for scholarships administered directly by BGSU Firelands.

Emergency loan program

The emergency loan program is available to continuing BGSU Firelands students who have at least a 2.0 ("C") accumulative grade point average. Exceptions to these criteria may be considered on an individual basis.

During any semester all loans become due as specified in the loan agreement. Students may request an extension. The finance charge for all loans is established by the Ohio State Loan Commission prior to the beginning of each calendar quarter. Students who fail to repay special loans by the date due are charged a late payment fine. Fines are assessed at a rate of $.50 per day (including Saturdays and Sundays), but will not exceed $25. Students are granted a three-day grace period. If payment is not made during the grace period, the fine on the fourth day is $2. Students not repaying loans by the end of the grace period (three days after the due date) will have their class registrations for that semester canceled and all records in the Office of the Registrar frozen. Also, they will be denied registration for any future semesters until the loan and penalty are repaid.

Harry G. Beare Memorial Loan Fund

This loan is available to BGSU Firelands students who are graduates from Edison High School in Milan, Ohio. The loan is based on proven financial need and is interest-free. However, it is suggested that the student make a gift to the loan fund after repayment of the loan.

Third and Fourth Degrees of Sandusky Knights of Columbus, Firelands Shrine Club, and Singara Grotto Loan Fund

A loan fund has been provided by these organizations since BGSU Firelands was opened. Typically, the loans are for up to $350 and are issued for up to 45 days.

Charles E. Schell Foundation student loan program

This loan fund was made possible by the Charles E. Schell Foundation in an effort to assist students in achieving their college education. Schell was raised in a family of moderate means, and he worked to support himself through law school. Upon his death, he provided for his wife and a few relatives, but the remainder of his estate was used to establish the Charles E. Schell Foundation, a program of educational assistance for students who would not otherwise be able to achieve an education. It was Schell's belief, and he so specified, that students should be lent money for educational expenses and repay it without interest.

Students are eligible for the Schell loan fund if they are between the ages of 15 and 25, were born in and are now a citizen of the United States, are loyal to the United States and its institutions, have a 2.0 minimum cumulative grade point average, and have parents who were born in and are currently citizens of the United States. Except in unusual circumstances, repayment of the total amount of this loan should be completed within 10 years of the date after which the student leaves BGSU.

Updated: 12/01/2017 10:22PM