Master of Arts in Theatre

M.A. in Theatre

The Master of Arts Program in Theatre at Bowling Green State University is designed to provide students with fundamentals essential for the development of independent thought and expression, ingredients necessary for creative scholarship and artistry in the theater. Students are afforded a basic understanding of theatre and performance history, theory, criticism, and research methods and their application to practical work in theatre.  Students may pursue one of two courses of study: the M.A. Thesis Track (i.e., Plan I), or the M.A. Portfolio Track (i.e., Plan II). 

The Learning Outcomes for the M.A. are:

  • To analyze diverse performance texts from various historical periods and cultural backgrounds.
  • To demonstrate fluency in the theories, criticisms, and research methodologies in the interdisciplinary fields of theatre and performance.
  • To use performance as the site and process for critical, cultural, and historical understanding.
  • To develop skills in theatre design and technologies.
  • To develop the ability to collaborate in theatre production as a dramaturg, actor, director, designer and/or technician.
  • To communicate and present knowledge as a scholar-artist-citizen in professional formats.
  • To develop teaching skills.
  • To develop and carry out advanced scholarly and creative research.

The student pursues the degree in a close relationship with a faculty advisor.  Initially, and continuing for the first year, advising is accomplished in conference with the Graduate Coordinator.  Coursework is not solely determined by the student's interests, but depends upon program requirements and course schedules and availability. 

Following the first year of study, each student will work with a permanent advisor suitable to direct the student's course of study and, in turn, assemble a committee.  An M.A. committee must include at least two members from the department faculty, including the permanent advisor.  Department of Theatre and Film faculty members who have been granted Level I or Level II Graduate Faculty Status are eligible to advise and serve on M.A. committees. In certain circumstances, faculty who have been granted Ad Hoc or Adjunct Graduate Faculty status may also serve as committee members.  At the end of the first year of study, all students must file an Advisor and Committee Approval form.

Although M.A. students are not encouraged to change advisors, they may do so when change is warranted. Such a change would be considered appropriate if a student decides to change the primary area of research or focus of creative work, or if a faculty member becomes newly eligible to advise M.A. committees (i.e., has been granted Level I or II Graduate Faculty Status).  Usually such changes are mutually agreed upon by the student and the advisor.  A student wishing to change advisors must submit a written request to the Graduate Coordinator.  In all cases where a change in advisors is being considered, the student must communicate directly with the current and prospective advisors, and the chosen advisor must indicate willingness to serve.

A. Duties:
M.A. students on assistantship are typically awarded a half-time contract for a nine-month period, which carries a 20 hours per week service obligation.  When possible, students’ preferences are taken into consideration in making these service assignments, though departmental needs must take priority.  All questions regarding assistantship assignments in the Department of Theatre and Film should be addressed to the Chair.

B. Renewals of Assistantships:
Renewal  of an assistantship is not automatic.  Students must formally  reapply through the Chair of the Department of Theatre and Film.  Application guidelines for reappointment will be provided early in the spring term.  Applications will be evaluated by the Chair based on the following criteria:

  • Satisfactory progress toward the degree in accord with expectations and timelines articulated by the department.
  • Satisfactory performance of assistantship duties.
  • Availability of funds.
  • Departmental staffing needs.

M.A. assistantships and corresponding tuition scholarships are eligible for renewal for potentially two years of on-campus study.

C. Removal of Assistantship:
An assistantship may be taken from a student for any one of the following reasons:

    1. Failure to make satisfactory progress toward degree.
    2. Inadequate performance of the duties associated with the assistantship.
        a. If teaching a course this includes (but is not limited to), failure to follow and execute in good faith course syllabus, guidelines and objectives as determined by the departmental course coordinator; and failure to attend regularly scheduled course planning sessions (usually weekly) as determined by the course coordinator.
        b. If in a non-teaching assignment this includes (but is not limited to), failure to complete duties and satisfy hour requirements as determined by supervising personnel.
    3. Failure to maintain minimum registration (at least 9 semester hours of graduate credit per semester).  
    4. Academic suspension for ethical or legal misconduct as specified in the student code.

D. Summer Assistantships
On occasion, the Department of Theatre and Film offers a limited number of assistantship positions in the summer.  The exact number of positions varies from year to year and is dependent on instructional, administrative, and production program needs.  Graduate students should not assume they will automatically receive summer assistantships if requested.

A.  Financial Aid:
Any questions concerning financial aid eligibility and maximum allowances should be directed to the Financial Aid office.  It is the student’s responsibility to monitor how federal regulations concerning financial aid will have an impact on their continuance in graduate education.

B.  Supplemental Employment                                                                                                                
Graduate assistants must confer with and receive permission from the Graduate Coordinator and the Chair of the Department before accepting additional employment, whether on or off campus.

A.  M.A. Requirements

1.  Core:

a.  THFM 6590 Research Methods in Theatre and Performance Studies

b.  Minimum 2 courses (6 credits) from History & Literature/Theory/Criticism

c.  Minimum 2 courses (6 credits) from Performance Studies/Practice

d.  Minimum 2 courses (6 credits) from Design & Technical Theatre

Minimum Total: 21 credits

2.  Supplemental Coursework:

a.  Minimum of 2 approved graduate level courses (3 credits each, 5000+ level) offered in the Department of Theatre and Film.

b. Upon prior approval by the Graduate Coordinator of the Department of Theatre and Film, students may take courses from other departments in fulfillment of the supplemental coursework requirement.

Minimum Total 6 credits.

3.  Portfolio or Thesis Credits:

a.  Minimum of 3 credits of THFM 6910 (Directed Research in Portfolio Development) are required for those students in the M.A. Portfolio Track.

b.  Minimum of three credits of THFM 6990 (Thesis Research) is required for those students in the M.A. Thesis Track.


B. Course Selections:

History & Literature/Theory/Criticism (Minimum Two Courses):
THFM 5650 Period, Style, and Form
THFM 6600 Theatre/Performance in Cultural Contexts I
THFM 6610 Theatre/Performance in Cultural Contexts II
THFM 6620 Theories of Theatre and Performance (May be repeated when topic changes)
THFM 6700 Performance and Theatre in the Americas (May be repeated when topic changes)

Performance Studies/Practice (Minimum of Two Courses):
THFM 6630 Introduction to Performance Studies
THFM 6640 Directing Practice
THFM 6670 Staging Image and Text (May be repeated when topic changes)
THFM 6680 Performance Studies (May be repeated when topic changes)
THFM 6690 Theatre for Young Audiences
THFM 6710 Theatre Organization and Management
THFM 6820 Performance Theory and Practice (May be repeated when topic changes)

Design & Technical Theatre (Minimum of Two Courses):
THFM 5720 Scene Design
THFM 5730 Costume Design
THFM 5740 Lighting Design
THFM 5750 Scene Painting

C.   M.A. Specific Degree Requirements:

1.  Thesis (Plan I) or Portfolio (Plan II):

The two plans under which one may pursue the M.A. are designed to meet the individual needs of students who aspire to varying types of professional careers.  All students accepted into the M.A. program are initially placed in the Portfolio Track.  Students interested in completing a thesis instead must formally declare the intent to do so by submitting a one-page letter setting forth the ideas and goals for thesis research.  This letter is due to the Graduate Coordinator by April 1 of year one.

2.  Applying for the Ph.D. Program:

Completion of the M.A. does not guarantee continuance into the Ph.D. program at BGSU.  Any student wishing to continue into the Ph.D. program at BGSU must formally apply.  That application will be given equal consideration along-side others who are seeking admittance into the program.  Moreover, successful completion of the M.A. (i.e., all course work as well as thesis or portfolio) is required before a student will be accepted fully into the Ph.D. program.

3.  Changing from One Plan to Another:

The graduate faculty in the Department of Theatre and the Graduate College strongly discourage switching from one plan to another.  Once registered in THFM 6990 Thesis Research or THFM 6910 Directed Research in Portfolio Development, a student may switch from one plan to another prior to the first day of instruction without penalty. However, after the first day of instruction, if the student wishes to change from one plan to another, fees may be applied. The student will be financially responsible for those fees.  Moreover, a request to switch from one plan to another must be recommended by the student's advisor, and approved by the Graduate Coordinator and the Graduate Dean. This is done only in rare circumstances; for example, when a thesis research project becomes physically or technically impossible to implement.  If a switch from Plan I to Plan II is recommended and ultimately approved, the thesis work completed under THFM 6990 will not count toward Plan II degree requirements.  Likewise, if a switch from Plan II to Plan I is recommended and ultimately approved, the portfolio work completed under THFM 6910 will not count toward Plan I degree requirements.

D.  Specifics for Plan I: Thesis Track:

1.  Program Requirements:

a.  Minimum of 30 semester credit hours including three hours of THFM 6990 Thesis Research.

b.  Only three hours of THFM 6840 and 6860 may satisfy graduation requirements.

c.  During the second year of residency, students awarded assistantships and/or tuition scholarships are required to take a minimum of 9 hours each semester (18 hours total) in the Department of Theatre and Film.  Included in this number of credits is a minimum of three hours of THFM 6990 Thesis Research.  If more than three hours of THFM 6990 are taken, only three will count toward graduation.

d.  Students granted a second year of departmental funding are required to enroll in at least two graduate courses, totaling at least six credit hours that have been approved by the Graduate Coordinator, during the summer term between the first and second years of study.

2.  Thesis Topic Approval:

a.  When electing to follow the M.A. Thesis Track, the student should first submit the Advisor and Committee Approval forms to the Graduate Coordinator and Departmental Chair.  The Advisor and Committee Approval Form is due at the end of the first year of study.  The committee shall consist of a minimum of two persons, including the advisor.  All committee members must have been granted Level I or Level II Graduate Faculty Status in the Department of Theatre and Film. The student is responsible for ascertaining each faculty member’s willingness and eligibility to serve on the committee and having each person sign the required form.

b.  After consulting with the advisor, the student should submit a proposal for a thesis topic for committee review.  Thesis projects will be approved only when the research proposal is within the capability of the department and University to support, and executable within the three hours of credit that may be counted toward the degree.

c.  The proposal for the thesis should both clearly outline the proposed topic of study, and demonstrate the student’s ability to complete the proposed research.  To satisfy this requirement, the student must demonstrate knowledge of existing scholarship in the chosen area.  Students should anticipate that the advisor may ask for substantial revision of the proposal before allowing distribution to the committee as a whole, and should budget their time accordingly.

d.  The thesis proposal should include the following components:
    *Relevant background information to introduce and contextualize the proposed area of research.
    *Concise statement of the central research questions that the study will address.
    *Discussion of objectives of the study and justification of its significance.
    *Review of extant scholarship in the field.  Note: A list of titles of other scholarship is not sufficient to satisfy this requirement. The student must demonstrate knowledge of other work in the research area and show preparedness to enter into scholarly conversation with others who have made contributions in this field.
    *A discussion of the research methods the student will employ in completing the study.
    *Principle sources of data.
    *Limitations of the study.  Note: Limitations in this context does not mean an “apologia” for the shortcomings of either the researcher or the proposed study. Rather, it is an opportunity to delineate and justify the boundaries of the study—chronological, geographical, types of data to be considered, etc.
    *Tentative organization of the study into chapters.  Note: Proposed chapter titles are not sufficient, and should be supplemented by abstracts or tentative summaries of what will be covered in each section.

e.  After securing the advisor’s approval, the student should distribute the thesis proposal to all members of the committee and schedule a defense.  The committee must have the proposal a minimum of two weeks before the defense. 

f.  Prior to the defense, the student must complete the Thesis Topic Approval form (an AdobeSign form available on the Graduate College website).

g.  Following the defense, the proposal may be revised according to suggestions made by the committee. Certification of the committee’s approval is made by the Committee members and Graduate Coordinator signing the Thesis Topic Approval form.

h.  The Graduate College requires the student to have at least a 3.0 G.P.A. when submitting a thesis proposal.

i.  The deadline for submitting a thesis topic proposal to the Graduate College is the last day of class the semester before intended graduation.  

3.  Thesis Examination and Approval:

a.  The draft of the thesis, which is submitted to the committee, should be complete, readable and contain necessary documentation.

b.  The use of photographs, images, and extended quoted material (i.e., entire published poems, or lengthy quoted material) requires the consent of the authors/creators.  It is the student’s responsibility to secure those permissions in writing prior to defense of the thesis. Consult with the Graduate College for the exact limitations on the use of others’ material.

c.  The thesis committee should have the draft at least two weeks in advance of the proposed oral defense date.

d.  When scheduling the defense of the portfolio, students must consult the "Important Dates and Deadlines" link found on the Graduate College website.

e.  The student’s advisor will poll the committee to determine whether the thesis is defensible in content and form.  If major revisions are in order prior to oral defense, the student's advisor will develop a plan of action to meet/committee expectations, including postponement of the oral defense, if necessary.

f.  Prior to the defense, the student must complete the Thesis Defense and Manuscript Approval form (an AdobeSign form available on the Graduate College website).  If the thesis is successfully defended and the manuscript is acceptable in both content and form, the committee indicates its approval by signing the form.  Students should be aware that approval involves two steps: Oral Defense and Manuscript Approval.  Thus, it is possible, even though the final oral examination has been passed, for the committee to request substantive changes or additions before approving the manuscript.  In planning to meet Graduate College deadlines, the student should take this possibility under consideration.

g.  The Graduate College requires electronic submission of theses.

h.  Upon final approval of the manuscript, the student must submit two single-sided, error-free final copies of the thesis to the Department Secretary for binding: one copy is for the Department and one for the thesis advisor.

i.  Students should be aware that not all faculty members are not available for consultation and/or oral defense during summer term.  Therefore, students planning on a summer defense should choose the members of their committee accordingly.

E.  Specifics for Plan II: Portfolio Track:

1.  Program Requirements:

a.  Minimum of 30 semester hours, including three hours of THFM 6910 - Directed Research in Portfolio Development.

b.  Only three hours of THFM 6840 and 6860 can be used to satisfy graduation requirements.

c.  During the second year of residency, students awarded assistantships and/or tuition scholarships are required to take a minimum of 9 hours each semester (18 hours total) in the Department of Theatre and Film.  Included in this number of credits is a minimum of three hours of THFM 6910 Research Portfolio Development.  If more than three hours of THFM 6910 are taken, only three will count toward graduation.

d.  Students granted a second year of departmental funding are required to enroll in at least two graduate courses, totaling at least six credit hours, that have been approved by the Graduate Coordinator, during the summer term between the first and second year of study.

2.  Portfolio Process:

a.  Students enrolled in Plan II will complete coursework and a portfolio, which is comprised of a mixture of scholarship and creative work.  All creative work in the portfolio must include documentation and analysis relating the production of those materials.

b.  When electing to follow the M.A. Portfolio Track, the student should first submit the Advisor and Committee Approval form to the Graduate Coordinator and Department Chair.  This form is due at the end of the first year of study.  The committee shall consist of a minimum of two persons, including the advisor.  All committee members must have been granted Level I or Level II Graduate Faculty Status in the Department of Theatre and Film.  The student is responsible for ascertaining each faculty member's willingness and eligibility to serve on the committee and having each person sign the required form.

c.  In conference with the advisor, the student will determine whether the portfolio will conform to Portfolio Option A or Portfolio Option B (both are described below).  Based on this discussion, the composition of the committee best suited to evaluate the content of the student’s portfolio will be proposed.  In all cases, at least one member of the committee (either advisor or reader) must hold expertise in Design/Tech.

d.  When scheduling the defense of the portfolio, students must consult the "Important Dates and Deadlines" link found on the  Graduate College web page.

e.  The portfolio submitted to the committee should be complete, readable, and contain necessary documentation.

f.  The committee should also have the portfolio at least two weeks in advance of the proposed oral defense date.              

g.  The student's advisor will poll the committee to determine whether the portfolio is defensible in content and form.  If major revisions are in order prior to oral defense, the student's advisor will develop a plan of action to meet committee expectations, including postponement of the oral defense, if necessary.

h.  Prior to the defense, the student must complete the Master's Plan II Results form (an AdobeSign form available on the Graduate College website).

i.  Portfolios will be assessed on a pass/fail basis.  A student whose portfolio materials are deemed unsatisfactory during this assessment will have the opportunity to revise and resubmit for a second assessment.  A student who twice fails the portfolio review will be subject to termination from the program.

j.  Approval of the portfolio and the passing of the oral defense are communicated by the committee to the Graduate Coordinator.  In turn, the Graduate Coordinator signs the Master's Plan II Results form.

k.  Students should be aware that not all faculty members are available for consultation and/or oral defense during the summer term.  Therefore, students planning on a summer defense should choose the members of their committee accordingly.

3.  Contents of the M.A. Portfolio:

a.  A resume or CV appropriate to the student’s stated professional goals and objectives and suitable for inclusion as part of a job application

b.  A four to six-page professional profile or statement of purpose, appropriate for submission as part of a job application or application to an academic program

c.  In addition to the resume and statement of purpose, the contents of the portfolio may take one of two forms.  

  • i. Portfolio Option A is to include two examples of the student’s critical writing and one example of the student’s creative practical work that have been completed during the master’s degree at BGSU.
  • ii. Portfolio Option B is to include two examples of the student’s creative practical work and one example of the student’s critical writing that have been completed during the master’s degree at BGSU.

d.  The examples of the student’s critical writing must be substantively revised and expanded versions of papers originally drafted in graduate level courses taken at BGSU while enrolled in the M.A. program.  The papers should be no less than 25 pages each in length and should cite a range of critical sources, including journal articles, books, or contributions to edited volumes. Students should be aware that simply cleaning up the grammar and typos on a class term paper will not produce work suitable to satisfy this requirement.

e.  Examples of appropriate creative projects to include in the portfolio may include (but are not limited to):

  • A design concept for a specific production, supplemented with appropriate models, renderings, or other suitable forms of notation, along with a detailed analysis of the research process and the reasons behind the creative choices that were made
  • An actor’s journal or workbook describing preparation for performance of a substantive role in a theatre production, along with analysis of the actor’s process of research and preparation (which should include some sort of detailed textual analysis or use of appropriate secondary sources)
  • A director's or dramaturg's notebook with detailed analysis and documentation of research leading to the development of a production concept
  • An original script or adaptation
  • An original translation of a short play or critical article
  • A community-based project in theatre or oral history
    Under no circumstances should students complete two projects in the same area of theatre practice (for example, two costume design projects or two original scripts).

f.  For Option B, at least one of the creative projects must originate as an assignment in one of the design courses.  Thus, this sample of the student’s creative work would not be creatively confined to practical restrictions that would have been imposed during an actual production. For Option A, the creative project must be one that originated in one of the design courses.

Timeline for Degree and Plan for Completing in One Calendar Year

It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of all deadlines pertaining to completion of the degree. While the plan for the degree outlined here assumes that the program takes two years to complete, students may find the program takes longer or shorter depending on when they complete the requirements.  Of particular note, the program is designed for motivated students to meet all minimum hour and degree requirements in one calendar year.  Doing so, however, will minimize the number of opportunities for students to engage in the department's production program, an integral part of the degree program.  Students interested in following this accelerated timeline should consult with the Graduate Coordinator early during the first term of residency.  Furthermore, students need to be aware that every time they turn in documents to their advisor and/or committee, a minimum two-week “read” time is given to the reader(s).  Moreover, certain weeks during the year are not counted in the two-week “read” time: Thanksgiving Break, Winter Break, Spring Break, the weeks following spring semester and prior to the first summer session, and the weeks following the end of the second summer session and the beginning of the fall semester.  It is also important to remember that the chair and committee members may not be available during the summer at all if they are not on summer contract.  Consequently, each of these times may elongate the turnaround time for the return of these documents to the student for revision or in preparation to take the work to committee. Lastly, students must be aware that they must register for at least one credit hour during the semester of graduation.

Graduate Community Participation
Students admitted to the graduate program in the Department of Theatre and Film at Bowling Green State University are asked to remember that they are members of a professional community. As such, they are expected to participate in the life of the department. What follows are the minimum expectations for participation. First, students are expected to support your colleagues and peers by attending BGSU Department of Theatre and Film productions. Second, they are encouraged to take on production responsibilities insofar as your course work and, if funded, assistantship duties will permit. Third, all graduate students are expected to keep the hour of eleven o’clock to noon on Thursdays free for our Graduate Professional Seminar and to attend the seminar when it is convened. Over the course of the academic year, Graduate Seminar programming will include professional development, workshops, post-performance production discussions, and research presentations by graduate students, faculty, and guest scholars.

A.  Registration Procedures:

1.  Registration is completed by the student after consultation with the Graduate Coordinator and/or advisor.

2.  Registration for THFM 6840 and 6860 sections must be added to the student’s academic schedule by the Departmental Administrative Secretary.  The Independent Study Application form must be completed and must be approved by the course/project supervisor, the Graduate Coordinator/student advisor, and the Chair of the Department of Theatre and Film.

3.  Changes in registration after the semester begins will result in fees being assessed according to the Registration and Records Refund Schedule. If fees are assessed for changes in registration, the student will bear the financial burden of those fees.

B.   Limits on Hours of Registration:

1.  No student may register for more than 12 hours of credit without permission from the Graduate Dean.

2.  Students holding assistantships typically register for 12 hours of credit during both the fall and the spring semesters of the first year, 9 hours of credit during both the fall and spring semester of the second year, and 6 hours of credit during the summer in between.

C.   Registration for 7000 Level Courses:

1.  7000 level courses are designed primarily for doctoral students.  M.A. students may be allowed to register for 7000 level courses after completing their first year of study and with the Graduate Coordinator's approval.

2.  Under exceptional circumstances, an instructor may grant permission for a first year M.A. student to register for a specific course.  These decisions are made on a case-by-case basis.

D.  Counting courses toward Ph.D. Degree Program:

For M.A. students who apply and are accepted into the Ph.D. program in Theatre at BGSU, courses taken during the second year of residency and that exceed the 30 credit hour minimum required for the M.A., potentially may be counted toward that more advanced program of study.  Students accepted into the Ph.D. program should consult with the Graduate Coordinator on this process and its requirements.

E.   Registration when Not In Residence:
The Graduate College mandates continuous registration for one hour each semester if a student leaves the campus with all requirements for the degree done except the thesis or portfolio.  This registration is not done automatically.  This criterion does not include summer session unless graduating in August.

F. Transfer Credit:

1.  The Graduate College limits the number of graduate hours that may be transferred from another institution to BGSU.

2.  These must be approved by the Graduate Studies Committee in the Department of Theatre and Film and the Graduate Dean.

3.  Approval for transfer credit can be granted once the student has satisfactorily completed eight hours of graduate work at BGSU.  An official transcript must be received by the Graduate College before credit can be approved for transfer.  Credit may be transferred only for courses in which the student received the grades of A or B.  Credit for an S grade may be transferred only if the grade is regarded by the grading school as B or better.

A.  Incompletes:
An INC (incomplete) is given only when, for some approved reason, a student fails to take the final examination or to fulfill a definite requirement in a course.  An INC can be removed and a grade substituted if the student completes course requirements to the satisfaction of the instructor prior to the deadline established by the Graduate College.  An individual instructor may come to an agreement with a student for an earlier deadline for removal of incomplete grade.  For courses taken S/U, any mark of INC not removed by these deadlines will change to U.  For courses taken for a letter grade, any mark of INC not removed by these deadlines will change to F.  The Graduate Dean has the authority to extend the deadline for an incomplete.  The student must petition for such consideration in writing and prior to the expiration deadline.  The instructor's support is required for approval of the request. 

B.  Grades for THFM 6990 Thesis Research and THFM 6910 Research in Portfolio Development:

Students are assigned a grade of S/U at the end of each term when they are enrolled in THFM 6990 or THFM 6910.  A grade of S denotes satisfactory progress that semester, and a grade of U denotes unsatisfactory progress that semester.  The final evaluation of the thesis or portfolio is conducted by the student's advisor and committee at the oral defense, and is independent from S or U grades earned while carrying out the study of completing the work.

C.   Probation:

1.  Grounds for Probation:
Students failing to meet the following minimal standards may be dropped from the program or placed on probation at the discretion of the Graduate Studies Committee or the Graduate Dean:

  • Students must maintain a graduate grade point average of 3.0 or better.
  • Students must make satisfactory progress toward a degree.  To maintain satisfactory progress, a student must successfully complete all courses attempted each semester.

2.  Effects of Probation:
Students on probation may not seek approval for a thesis topic or defend a thesis (Plan I), or apply for portfolio review (Plan II), and may lose funding.  In most cases, students remaining on probationary status for more than one semester will be dropped from the program.

D.   Policy on Dropping Graduate Students:

If the Department of Theatre and Film recommends that a student be dropped from a degree program, the student is no longer considered as a degree student, although the student may continue course work.  If a student is dropped from a degree program, all assistantship and tuition scholarship support is terminated.  If dropped, the student must petition the department for reinstatement as a degree student.  In certain cases, the department may elect to discontinue assistantship and tuition scholarship funding for a student making marginal progress without dropping that person from the program, in which instance the student will be eligible to seek support elsewhere or to cover their educational expenses.

E.   Time Limits and Revalidation of Course Work:

1.  Degree requirements must be completed within of six years.  Credit for work older than six years will not apply toward degree requirements unless revalidated by a formal examination or by re-taking the courses.

2.  The application must be submitted through the following channels:

a. Chair, Department of Theatre and Film
b. Graduate Studies Committee in the Department of Theatre and Film
c. Departmental Graduate Coordinator
d. Graduate Dean

  • Mahmoud Abusultan, A Palestinian Theatre: Experiences, of Resistance, Sumud, and Reaffirmation (2021)
  • Jennifer Shadle, “Protect, Preserve, and Reform: An Analysis of Three Plays by David Mamet through the Lens of Kirkian Conservatism” (2018)
  • Rebekah Sinewe, "Compliments to the Onscreen Chef: Cooking as Social and Artful Performance" (2017)
  • Tessa Vaschel, "Happy Problems: Performativity of Consensual Nonmonogamous Relationships" (2017)
  • Sarah Coon, "Crossing the Aether-Net: Community and the Theatre of Team Starkid" (2015)
  • Alexis Riley, '"An Unfriendly Spirit': Bipolar Disorder in/as Performance" (2015)
  • Katelyn Buis, "Surviving Antigone: Anouilh, Adaptation, and the Archive" (2014)
  • Jared Dorotiak, "Transformative Intersection: Theatre Adaptation in Mary Zimmerman's Metamorphoses" (2013)

Updated: 09/01/2022 03:14PM