#1 public university in Ohio for student experience
The Wall Street Journal
The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders is located in the College of Health and Human Services and is affiliated with the JP Scott Center for Neuroscience, Mind, and Behavior.

- MMasters Available
- Master'sMasters Available
Master of Science in
Communication Disorders with a Specialization in Speech-Language Pathology
The BGSU master’s in communication disorders with a specialization in speech-language Pathology program exists to provide superior academic and clinical preparation, instilling the knowledge and skills necessary to demonstrate entry-level practitioner competence in speech-language pathology across the scope of practice.
The Master of Science in Communication Disorders with a Specialization in Speech-Language Pathology (CDIS SLP) is accredited by the Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and meets the Clinical Competence requirements and Licensure from the State of Ohio.
This program requires use of the Centralized Application Service.
Learn the science and art of clinical practice in speech-language pathology
Classroom and clinical experiences complement each other, span the scope of practice and foster independent growth in the BGSU CDIS graduate program students.
Students graduating from the CDIS SLP program will have the qualifications to be entry-level speech-language pathologists. Students will possess foundational knowledge of the field, will be able to apply critical inquiry and creativity to solving problems and professionally serve clients with compassion and caring.
In addition, students may optionally pursue requirements for licensure to work in the Ohio public schools as speech-language pathologists.
STAND OUT in courses like
- Aphasia and Related Neuropathologies
- Pediatric Language Disorders
- Education Policy and Practice for SLPs
- Language Disorders in School Age Population
- Cognitive Rehabilitation
- Stuttering
#1 university in Ohio for career preparation
The Wall Street Journal
The Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders is located in the College of Health and Human Services and is affiliated with the JP Scott Center for Neuroscience, Mind, and Behavior.
The speech-language pathology master's program is a two-year program consisting of four academic semesters of on-campus study (including one summer semester). The fifth semester is devoted to a full-time, off-campus externship. Students will be enrolled in practica experiences every semester. The practica will take place at the on-campus speech and hearing clinic and at various sites throughout northwest Ohio.
Students can expect a 12- to 18-hour semester workload during the first four semesters, covering scientific and research foundations of clinical practice and assessment and intervention across the lifespan and the scope of practice. A master’s thesis option is available but is not required.
There is a consistently high demand for speech-language pathologists (SLPs). The U.S. News and World Report ranked SLP in the top 25 of the nation’s best jobs, citing high job satisfaction, salary and future growth potential.
The employment rate for SLP graduates of the BGSU program in the past 10 years is over 95 percent. Clinical experience and academic coursework prepare graduates to be strong, independent clinicians. Students are ready to work with populations across the lifespan and in the many areas of an SLP’s scope of practice.
The option to complete the State of Ohio school licensure requirements is available to those interested.
GO FAR in your career
- Pediatric Speech Language Pathologist
- Online SLP
- Early Intervention SLP
- Speech Pathologist/Audiologist
- Bilingual SLP
The Praxis pass rate of BGSU graduates is typically 100% and employment rates are above 95 percent.

More Information
The Master of Science degree in Speech-Language Pathology in a program from the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders in the College of Health & Human Services
Bowling Green State University [BGSU] is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission. BGSU has been accredited by the Higher Learning Commission since 01/01/1916. The most recent reaffirmation of accreditation was received in 2012 - 2013. Questions should be directed to the Office of Institutional Effectiveness.
The Communication Sciences and Disorders program is accredited by Council on Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association and is in good standing.
Bowling Green State University programs leading to licensure, certification and/or endorsement, whether delivered online, face-to-face or in a blended format, satisfy the academic requirements for those credentials set forth by the State of Ohio.
Requirements for licensure, certification and/or endorsement eligibility vary greatly from one profession to another and from state to state. The communication sciences and disorders program requires professional licensure.
Under the Higher Education Act Title IV disclosure requirements, an institution must provide current and prospective students with information about each of its programs that prepares students for gainful employment in a recognized occupation.
The communication sciences and disorders program is not a recognized occupation that requires a Gainful Employment disclosure.
* Job placement and salary information was compiled by the Office of Academic Assessment through the Graduation Survey from AY2015-2018. The data are gathered around the time of Commencement and a follow-up survey six months post Commencement. For the salary question, data for programs with fewer than fifteen responses are not included. Salaries for those programs are from the National Association of Colleges and Employers Summer 2019 Survey. For questions regarding the data, contact assessment@bgsu.edu.
Updated: 03/26/2025 01:25PM