Eric Cooke, Ph.D.

Position: Assistant Professor and Graduate Coordinator
Phone: 419-372-7778

Dr. Eric M. Cooke earned his Ph.D. in Criminal Justice from Sam Houston State University in 2021. He joined the faculty at BGSU as an Assistant Professor in 2022. His primary research interests include life-course and developmental criminology, developmental processes and trajectories, biopsychosocial criminology, risky behaviors among adolescents and young adults, the effects that early life adversities have on later life outcomes, and victimology. He teaches several undergraduate and graduate level courses including Research Methods for the Human Services, Introduction to the Criminal Justice System, and the Nature of Crime. He has published papers in Trauma, Violence, & Abuse, Journal of Quantitative Criminology, Psychological Assessment, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, Crime & Delinquency, and Psychiatric Quarterly.

Dr. Cooke is currently accepting applications for Undergraduate and Graduate Research Assistants for AY 22–23.


Selected Publications:

Cooke, E.M., Schuurman, N.K., Zheng, Y. (2022). Examining the Within- and Between-Person Structure of a Short Form of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule: A Multilevel and Dynamic Approach. Psychological Assessment, Accepted for Publication.

Cooke, E.M., Connolly, E.J., Boisvert D.L., and Hayes, B.E. (2021). A Systematic Review of the Biological Correlates and Consequences of Childhood Maltreatment on Adverse Childhood Experiences. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse. 1–18.

Cooke, E.M., Lewis, R.H., Hayes, B.E., Bouffard, L.A., Boisvert, D.L., Wells, J., Kavish, N., Woeckener, M., and Armstrong, T.A. (2020). Examining the Relationship between Victimization, Psychopathy, and the Acceptance of Rape Myths. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. 1­–21.

Cooke, E.M., Connolly, E.J., Boisvert, D.L., Armstrong, T.A., Kavish, N., Lewis, R.H., Wells, J., Woeckener, M., and Harper, J. (2020). Examining How Testosterone and Cortisol Influence the Relationship between Strain, Negative Emotions, and Antisocial Behavior: A Gendered Analysis. Crime & Delinquency, 66, 1470–1501.

Updated: 05/14/2024 12:37PM