Bowling Green State University Speech and Hearing Clinic

The mission of the BGSU Speech and Hearing Clinic is to provide diagnostic and remedial clinical experiences for students, consistent with the standards of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA) and the State of Ohio Board of Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology (OBSLPA), and to provide diagnostic and remedial speech, language, and hearing services to the general public and University community, consistent with the ASHA and OBSLPA standards.
Now offering hearing aid benefits to BGSU employees and their dependents, and to retirees and their spouses.
Located 30 minutes south of Toledo, Ohio on the campus of Bowling Green State University, the BGSU Speech and Hearing Clinic offers state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic speech, language, and hearing services while acting as a training facility for master's- and doctoral-level speech-language pathologists. The clinic is open to the public and services all ages.
Professionally experienced faculty and clinical staff are state licensed and nationally certified speech-language pathologists and audiologists. Under the supervision of these professionals, enthusiastic graduate students receive valuable academic and clinical experiences.
Specific Programs & Services
Speech & Hearing Clinic
BGSU Speech and Hearing Clinic offers state-of-the-art diagnostic and
therapeutic speech, language, and hearing services while acting as a
training facility for master's- and doctoral-level speech-language
Professionally experienced faculty and clinical
staff are state licensed and nationally certified speech-language
pathologists and audiologists. Under the supervision of these
professionals, enthusiastic graduate students receive valuable academic
and clinical experiences.
The BGSU Speech and Hearing Clinic
provides evaluation and treatment of infants, children, and adults who
exhibit a wide range of communication concerns. Such concerns include
communication issues related to aphasia, apraxia, autism, traumatic
brain injury, craniofacial disorders, foreign accent, stuttering, voice
disorders, reading, organizing, and writing difficulties, and other
delays and disorders of speech and language development.
Speech & Hearing Clinic
The BGSU Speech and Hearing Clinic offers state-of-the-art diagnostic and therapeutic speech, language, and hearing services while acting as a training facility for master's- and doctoral-level speech-language pathologists.
Professionally experienced faculty and clinical staff are state licensed and nationally certified speech-language pathologists and audiologists. Under the supervision of these professionals, enthusiastic graduate students receive valuable academic and clinical experiences.
The BGSU Speech and Hearing Clinic provides evaluation and treatment of infants, children, and adults who exhibit a wide range of communication concerns. Such concerns include communication issues related to aphasia, apraxia, autism, traumatic brain injury, craniofacial disorders, foreign accent, stuttering, voice disorders, reading, organizing, and writing difficulties, and other delays and disorders of speech and language development.
Audiology Clinic
The clinic is staffed by licensed and certified audiologists, as well as speech-language pathologists (SLPs). SLP graduate students also work in the clinic under supervision. The Audiology Clinic provides a wide range of diagnostic & therapy services including:
- Comprehensive, diagnostic hearing tests
- Selling and repairing hearing aids (specializing in the latest digital technology)
- Selling hearing aid batteries
- Selling assistive listening devices like TV Ears, smoke detectors, alarm clocks & amplified phones.
Visit the Audiology Clinic webpage to perform a hearing self-test and find tips for communicating with the hearing impaired individuals in your life.
Parkinson's Speech Therapy
The SPEAK OUT!® Therapy Program, developed by Parkinson Voice Project®, helps people with Parkinson's regain and retain their speech and swallowing. The evidence-based program combines education for the patient and family, individual speech therapy, daily home practice using workbooks, flashcards, and online practice sessions, along with weekly speech groups, and regular re-evaluations. For more information about Parkinson Voice Project, visit
Services for SPEAK OUT! are FREE and are conducted by licensed SPEAK OUT! providers.
Voice Clinic
The Voice Clinic offers assessment and treatment of voice disorders, including hoarse/raspy/breathy voice, vocal tension/strain, laryngitis, inappropriate pitch, vocal cord paralysis, vocal cord nodules, laryngectomy, etc. Special emphasis is available for problems with the performing voice such as singers or professional speakers.
DaZy Aphasia Center
The DaZy Aphasia Program offers group and/or individual sessions for people with communication problems following stroke or brain injury.
Ultrasound for Speech Sound Disorders
The Telemed Ultrasound System with Echo Wave II Scanning Software can be used for a variety of applications for many speech production errors. The visual feedback provided by the ultrasound system, coupled with the expertise of the clinician, has proven especially effective in the remediation of /r/. The use of ultrasound for speech production is recommended for those over the age of eight.
The PEERS® program is world-renowned for providing evidence-based social skills treatment to preschoolers, adolescents, and young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety, depression, and other socio-emotional problems. First developed at UCLA by Dr. Elizabeth Laugeson and expanded to locations in more than 70 countries, PEERS® is a parent/caregiver-assisted, 12-16-weeks social awareness education for individuals with social challenges.
Upcoming Groups:
Spring 2021:
Social skill awareness education and intervention for motivated young adults ages 18- 35 who are interested in learning how people make and maintain friendships. Social coaching is used to maximize learning opportunities. Group sessions involve explicit teaching of different aspects of interaction and participants are given opportunities to practice.
Spring or Summer 2021:
PEERS® Dating Bootcamp
Topics covered: letting someone you know you like them, choosing appropriate people to date, asking someone on a date, accepting rejection, turning someone down, planning and going on dates, dating do's and don'ts, handling pressure from partners
Summer 2021 and/or Fall 2021:
PEERS® for Adolescents is for motivated teens in middle and high school who are interested in learning new ways of making and keeping friends. During each group session, teens are taught important social skills and are given the opportunity to practice these skills in session during socialization activities. Parents attend separate sessions at the same time and are taught how to assist their teens in making and keeping friends by helping to expand their teen’s social network and providing feedback through coaching during weekly socialization homework assignments. Parent participation is required.
Updated: 12/10/2024 10:25AM