Daniel Maitland

Associate Professor, Department of Psychology
Director of Clinical Training
B.A. University of Wisconsin Milwaukee, 2009
M.A. Western Michigan University, 2012
Ph.D. Western Michigan University, 2015
Pre-doctoral Internship: University of Wisconsin Psychiatric Institute & Clinic
Post-doc: University of Washington

Phone: (419) 372-7212
Email: maitlad@bgsu.edu
Office: Room 337, Psychology Building

Taking Graduate Students? Yes
Sponsoring Undergraduate Research? Yes

Research Interests:

I run the Psychotherapy Research or Study of Connection, Intimacy, and Loneliness (PROSOCIAL) lab. The psychotherapy component of my research emphasizes elucidation of the process of change, mechanisms of action, efficacy, and effectiveness of contemporary behavior therapies. While my research emphasizes Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP); I am also interested in furthering the evidence base of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, Dialectical Behavior Therapy, Behavioral Activation, and process-based therapies. My research in the social domain emphasizes understanding the bidirectional association between our social lives, especially deep meaningful relationships, our mental or physical health, and clinical adjacent targets such as discrimination and stigma. My research group is very active in both of these domains and is actively implementing experiments to better understand our variables of interest. I actively work with my students to incorporate their specific interests into the research of the lab. You can find more information about my research by visiting my ResearchGate page (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Daniel-Maitland) and my Google Scholar page (https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=wq9WpiIAAAAJ&hl=en)

Updated: 01/30/2024 04:01PM