Telephone Directory & Address Change Request (Faculty/Staff Data)

Who can use it?

BGSU faculty and staff. 

What is it?

Faculty and staff can use this service to request changes be made to the information listed in the BGSU Online Telephone Directory.

How to request it?

Username - Review this article for information on changing a BGSU username

Name - Submit name change request form along with appropriate documentation (Social Security Card or Passport) to Registration & Records, at 1851 N. Research Drive.

All other data fields: Please submit the request form on this page.

Some personal data can be changed via self-service by following these instructionsEmployment information displayed in the online search is viewable but not accessible for edit by the employee. 

Please direct questions regarding faculty/staff personal and employment information to the Office of Human Resources at 419-372-8421.

How to use it?

Follow the instructions above to request your changes. 

How much does it cost?

There are no costs associated with this service.

Submit Request Form

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