Office of the President
220 McFall Center
Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0010
Phone: 419-372-2211
Fax: 419-372-6050
October 13, 2016

Members of the BGSU Community:

A racial slur was painted on the spirit rock near Kreischer Quad sometime yesterday. While the University acted swiftly to remove the offensive graffiti, members of our community were impacted.

BGSU embraces a culture of diversity and inclusion. All across campus we work hard to uphold the core values of the University including "respect for one another."

This type of hate speech will NOT be tolerated at BGSU. The incident is under investigation by the Office of the Dean of Students with support from BGSU Police. Any student(s) found responsible will be held accountable under the University Code of Student Conduct.

If you have any information about this incident, or if you become aware of any acts of discrimination or racism, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 419-372-2843. In addition, a Bias Incident Report can be completed and submitted online.

We will not allow this incident to divide our community! Show BGSU's commitment to stopping hate by participating in the reaffirmation celebration of the Not In Our Town initiative on Thursday, October 20.


Mary Ellen Mazey
Mary Ellen Mazey, Ph.D.
President, Bowling Green State University