Jim Ciesla, Dean
As we embark on this semester our efforts will be guided by the University’s strategic planning process. We have begun on our own strategic planning activities, and we will be reaching out to our many constituents—alumni, friends, and students to have a voice.
This issue showcases some of the many students, faculty, and staff that I proudly call my collaborators in advancing the college. As well, we are proud to announce a new Master of Health Services Administration degree program.
Alumni and friends, you are critical to our mission, like Dr. Michael and Robin French who give back to our students and faculty. Thank you for offering opportunities for our students to do research or complete internships. Thank you for returning to the college as examples of people who are successful professionally, but who also live lives of social responsibility and civic engagement. Thank you for your financial gifts, your encouragement and your commitment to the immeasurable value of a BGSU education. We can accomplish many things together.
Warmest regards,
Jim Ciesla, Ph.D.