Parking Rules and Regulations

Parking Rules and Regulations

1. Authority

1.1 The Manager of Parking Services is responsible for the registration and parking of vehicles on property owned or leased in whole or in part by Bowling Green State University.

1.2 The Manager will exercise discretion and authority in a manner as to ensure the proper and effective use and control of the available parking areas and facilities, and the benefit and maximum convenience of visitors, students, and employees on the Bowling Green State University campus. For the purpose of this document “campus” will include all University areas except where specified

1.3 The Manager retains the right to authorize or deny the use of or closing of campus parking lots, and may suspend enforcement of parking regulations to allow for special events on campus. Exceptions to regulations, temporary regulations and enforcement suspensions are valid only for when and how specified, and will not be considered precedent for future situations.

1.4 Liability: Bowling Green State University assumes no liability or responsibility for damage to or theft of any vehicle parked or in operation on the properties leased to or under the control of the University.

a. Application: The provisions of this document will apply to all Bowling Green State University employees, students, vendors, contractors and visitors, as well as the operators of all vehicles, whether public or private, and they will be enforced 24 hours a day, except where noted. It is unlawful for any operator to violate any of the provisions of this Document.

b. The operator of any vehicle will obey the lawful instruction of any law enforcement officer, parking control officer, traffic officer, and any official traffic signs or control devices appropriately placed and in accordance with the provisions of these regulations. Whenever a particular section does not state that signs are required, such section will be effective without signs being provided.

c. Nothing in this document will be deemed to prohibit authorized vehicles of Bowling Green State University, or its agents, or of any public utility company from making any such stops as the establishment and maintenance of streets, grounds, water supply, and utility lines require. It is unlawful to drive or park a motor vehicle on sidewalk, grass, or shrubbery unless such areas are designated for parking.

d. Monies: Any monies collected pursuant to this document will be used to fund the operations and capital responsibilities of parking systems and such other purposes as deemed necessary to carry out the parking program at Bowling Green State University. Parking Services establishes parking fee rates necessary for the funding of operations and capital expenses.

e. Rules of Evidence: When a vehicle is found to be in violation of this document it will be considered evidence that the vehicle was parked:

1. By the person assigned the parking permit,

2. By the person registered with the University for a parking permit assigned to that vehicle,

3. By the person on file as the permit owner, vehicle’s owner with the Ohio Division of Motor Vehicles, or corresponding agencies of another state or nation.

4. By the person who affiliated the permit, or vehicle to themselves in the parking system.

2. Two Wheeled Vehicles

2.1 Motorcycles / Moped / Scooter

       a. Definitions:

       1. Motorcycle - an automotive vehicle with two in-line wheels.

       2. Moped - a lightweight, low-powered motorbike that can be pedaled

       3. Scooter/Motorscooter - a lightweight motor vehicle similar to a motorcycle, having a saddlelike seat mounted over the engine and a footboard to rest feet.

a. Must be registered under your valid BGSU parking permit. Bowling Green State University employees, students, and employees of other entities with offices on the campus, or other leased or owned properties, are eligible to request a parking permit.

b. Permits are purchased from Parking Services. Anyone who has a valid permit for an automobile may have their motorcycle, moped, or scooter/motorscooter registered to their existing valid permit.

3. Parking Permits

3.1 General Terms and Conditions

a. Permits are assigned by Parking Services for a specified period of time for departments, employees, students, contractors, and visitors.

b. Permit purchases can be made within the application timeframe online within your “Manage Parking Account” found in your MyBGSU account, or by contacting Parking Services

3.1.2 Authority to Issue:

a. Parking Services is the sole department authorized to issue and enforce any type of parking permit, regulation, or rule used for parking on the campus of Bowling Green State University.

b. Any permit assigned by any other individual, department or agency will not be recognized as a valid parking permit and will result in the vehicle being cited, booted or towed.

 3.1.3 Property – Parking permits and temporary permits, remain the property of Parking Services and     may not be assigned, sold, or traded to another person.

3.1.4 Vehicle Registration

a. Individuals and departments must provide current vehicle registration information before a permit will be assigned.

b. Vehicle information includes: registrant, make, model, year, license plate number and state of issue, and local address / local phone number of registrant.

c. Individuals and departments assigned permits are responsible for maintaining current vehicle information with Parking Services.

d. Individuals must register vehicles that may park on campus to their assigned permits.

e. Employees and students who bring a vehicle to campus must register that vehicle before any permit, including temporary, will be assigned. In the event the vehicle is not associated with an employee or student outstanding parking fees and parking fines will be billed to the permit or vehicle registrant.

f. Only one vehicle that is registered to a permit may park on campus at a time. Each vehicle that is registered to the same permit and found to be parked on campus at the same, time will be issued a citation.

3.1.5 Payment of Parking Permit Fees and Parking Fines – Permit fees and parking fines must be paid by one of the following methods:

a. Employees with access to their MyBGSU Portal must use payroll deduction to purchase a parking permit. Employees may pay citations with cash, check or credit/debit card in person or online. Current permit fees are posted online at are subject to cancellation in the event that employment classification changes.
b. Student permit fees will be billed to their Bursar accounts unless paid in full with a credit/debit card at time of purchase.

c. Departments may pay through their department budget code.

d. Any fines or fees that cannot be collected through the above-mentioned means may be collected through an outside collection agency.

e. Vehicles with more than 5 citations in the year (August-August) and/or outstanding fines and fees are subject to being booted or towed at the discretion of the Parking Manager.

3.1.6 Returns and Refunds

a. Refunds may be assigned if the refund request is before the refund eligibility deadline. Certain refund conditions may be applied to permits assigned to students, temporary and nine-month employees. The refund eligibility deadline is two (2) weeks after the initial valid date of the parking permit.

3.1.7 Proper Display of Permit

a. The vehicle license plate is the permit. The state-issued license plate must be unobstructed, clearly visible and readable by license plate recognition from the drive aisles in all parking lots. Backing in or pulling through a parking space is prohibited if the vehicle does not have a front state-issued license plate. Attempts to cover license plates or deceive Parking Enforcement vehicles will be considered a Plate Obstructed violation.

3.1.8 Permit Replacement

a. Displaying and/or possession of a fraudulent/forged permit will result in parking fines, towing or immobilization of the vehicle and the loss of parking privileges for up to one year.

3.1.9 Sharing or Selling of Permits

a. Parking permits remain the property of Parking Services and as such, parking permits may not be given, sold, or shared with another person.

b. Violation will result in a fine and/or loss of parking privileges for up to one year.

3.1.10 Counterfeiting or Altering of Permits

a. Counterfeiting or altering permits will result in parking fines, towing or immobilization of the vehicle and/or loss of parking privileges for up to one year.

3.1.11 Presenting False Information

a. Presenting, attempting to present, or conspiring to present information that an individual would have reason to believe is false, to any employee or agent of Parking Services for the purpose of obtaining a permanent or temporary parking permit, retaining a parking permit, processing a petition/appeal for
the purpose of deceiving any employee or agent may result in a fine and/or loss of parking privileges for up to one year.

3.2 Faculty/Staff Parking Permits

a. Faculty/Staff may request a parking permit at any time during the year. Permits may be purchased online or in the office. Faculty/Staff permits are paid through payroll deductions only. Payroll deduction available only to those eligible. New Faculty/Staff may be requested to provide Parking Services with documents certifying their employment with Bowling Green State University. Permits are subject to cancellation in the event that employment classification changes.

3.2.2 Payroll Deduction for Permanent Part-time and Full-time Employees

a. BGSU Employees parking permits are paid for through payroll deduction only for those eligible for payroll deduction.

3.2.3 Temporary Employees

a. Individuals employed in temporary positions through Bowling Green State University or temporary agencies may request a parking permit.

b. Verification of employment, including duration of employment, may be required.

c. Payment must be for the full amount due on the parking permit. Partial payments are not acceptable. Payroll deduction is not permitted.

d. Individuals with short-term assignments may purchase permits on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis. Only certain lots will be open to temporary employees and will be determined by Parking Services at the time of purchase.

e. Individuals on campus employed by other agencies, including government or military agencies, are eligible for parking under the guidelines for employees, but are not eligible for payroll deduction of permit fees.

3.2.4 Adjunct Faculty

a. Adjunct faculty members are expected to purchase a permit if they are required to park on campus.

b. Employee permit policies will apply to adjunct faculty.

3.3 Student Parking Permits

3.3.1 Eligibility

a. Bowling Green State University graduate, undergraduate, and transfer students may register for a parking permit. Eligibility will be based on the student’s housing classification. Ex. Resident or Commuter. Students must be enrolled for the semester in which they are trying to purchase a permit.

b. If a student’s housing classification changes as a result of changing their residence, they are responsible for contacting Parking Services to change their parking permit to the one appropriate for their residency status. Students found to have the incorrect permit may be issued a violation.

3.3.2 Student Permit Payments and Refunds

a. All Students have the option when purchasing their permit to pay with a credit card or have the charge billed to their bursar account.

b. Permit refunds will not be issued after the refund eligibility deadline. The refund eligibility deadline is two (2) Weeks after the initial valid date of the parking permit.

c. A parking permit may not be assigned by, or transferred to, another individual who is not a registered user of the permit. Violators may lose parking privileges on campus.

3.4 Permits for Departments

a. Departments considering purchasing parking permits for visitors and/or guests of campus may direct payment to their department budget.

b. Departments who desire to have access to purchase permits for their visitors will need to have an account setup through the designated guest parking software platform.  Requests for a department account can be sent to A department budget is required for setup of the account.

c. Departments are billed each month for the prior months usage.

d. Departments are responsible for providing visitors with accurate information about where to park with their permit.

e. Coupon codes for use at pay kiosks are available for purchase by contacting Parking Services at

3.5 Visitor Parking and Permits

a. Visitor permits can be obtained for a fee in one of the follow ways:

·       In Person at the Parking Office

·       Via the Paybyphone mobile app

·       Via kiosks located in pay to park lots

b. Campus Departments, employees, or students who sponsor events on campus or invite visitors, are responsible for pre-arranging parking for their guests with Parking Services. Send requests for events to Parking Services has the right to refuse parking if the event or the number of guests severely impacts parking availability for permit holders.

c. Visitors must pay in advance of parking in all pay to park areas.

3.6 Pay to Park Areas

a. Pay to Park areas (Lots 6, 9, 11, X, 32, 33) are located throughout campus and require payment Monday thru Friday 6:00 a.m.-7:30 p.m. Lot 7 requires payment Monday through Saturday 6:00 a.m. – 7:30 p.m. Overnight Parking is not allowed in Lot 7.

b. Any individual who parks in a Pay to Park area must pay the appropriate fee for the time the vehicle is parked, including permit holders.

c. The maximum time allowed and hours of operation vary by location and are displayed on each kiosk. Refer to the kiosk for latest rates for parking.

d.  Pay to Park kiosks areas are unable to provide change.

e. Pay to Park kiosks are capable of accepting Credit Card, Cash, or Coin. In the event that one of these options is not functioning use of one of the others is required. If no option is available, the operator must call Parking Services at 419-372-2776 to provide their information to avoid receiving a citation.

f.  For disability spaces located within a pay station or meter location, no fee needs to be rendered with a valid BGSU permit and a state-issued disability placard/plate. Visitors without a valid BGSU permit are required to pay the proper parking fee.

3.7 Contractor/Vendor Permits

a. Vendors / contractors delivering supplies and materials, providing repairs and maintenance, or performing construction are required to purchase a parking permit.

b. These permits may be purchased in advance by either the vendors / contractors or associated departments. These permits may be purchased at the Parking Services office. 

c. Vehicles owned by the vendor / contractor or its employees that are found in violation of Bowling Green State University parking policies will be subject to immobilization, towing or fines.

3.8 Disability Parking

a. Any employee or student who, because of a short-term or permanent disability, is required to register their state-issued disability placard/plate with Parking Services. This can be done on the Parking Service website or in the office.  We will need copies of the Certificate of Registration, color copy of the placard, and color copy of your BGSU ID. Once received, this will be affiliated with the permit and vehicle. 

b. Disability parking spaces are available throughout campus. All disability marked spaces are available for anyone displaying a disability placard along with registering and being assigned a valid Bowling Green State University parking permit.

c. For disability spaces located within a pay station or meter location, no fee needs to be rendered with a valid BGSU permit & disability placard. Visitors without a valid BGSU permit are required to pay the proper parking fee.

3.9     Media Parking

a. Media vehicles that are clearly marked may park in any BGSU parking lot without a permit or payment.  Media vehicles that are clearly marked may also park in service vehicle spaces designated with signs.

b. No parking on grass, roadways, disabled parking (without State issued placard), reserved spaces, or any area that impedes traffic.

c. Media vehicles that are not clearly marked must follow all parking regulations by arranging for a permit through Parking Services or any department that may be bringing the media to campus.

3.10 Permits for Camps, Conferences, and Events

a. Parking for camps, conferences, and other events must be coordinated through Parking Services.

b. Charges may be applied for the use of parking lots and for the appropriate permits.

c. The camp, conference, or event may be required to pay for traffic and parking control if required.

d. Departments or individuals may not issue parking permits or give consent to park on campus without approval from Parking Services.

e. Failure to coordinate parking and traffic needs and obtain authority from Parking Services may result in fines and restrictions to parking facilities.

3.11  Special Event Parking

a. Organizers of events that have been approved by the University may request parking on       campus for the event. In order to ensure parking is available for faculty, staff, and students, Parking Services will assign event parking to minimize disruption to the University.

b. Parking Services will evaluate the event parking requests based on factors including peak time of day, academic breaks, and summer semester. Peak periods are defined as Monday through Friday 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

c. There is a charge for parking at all times for parking on campus.

d. Events may be charged an administrative fee or additional charge for any staffing needs that are provided by Parking Services.

e. Requests for events may be sent via email to

3.11 Parking Losses as a Result of Construction

a. Parking Services may assign permit holders replacement parking during the period of construction in the most proximate lot where space is available.

b. When space is limited every effort will be made so current permit holders will not be displaced in order to accommodate those whose parking is impacted or lost due to construction.

c. There will be a fee charged based on size of lot, length of use, and location for construction projects/storage.

2. There will be a fee assessed for any labor and/or materials provided by Parking Services related to construction projects/storage.

3. There will be a fee assessed for any work required to return a lot to its condition prior to use for construction projects/storage.

3.12     University Vehicles

a. All university vehicles used by faculty, staff, or students must park in marked approved     parking spaces. Parking restrictions and regulations apply to all University vehicles.

b. University service vehicles may park in designated service spaces. Personal vehicles used for University purposes must be parked in approved spaces and follow parking rules and regulations.

3.13     Equipment Storage

a. Equipment may not be stored or use parking spaces without a permit or preapproval from Parking Services.

3.14     RV Parking

a. RV Parking –All recreational vehicles parked temporarily and used only as transportation must park in Lots 13 and 20.  Recreational vehicles may not park in more parking spaces than required to park within a parking space. All recreational vehicles are subject to fees for each parking space(s). Recreational trailers that are not attached to a vehicle will be considered to be RV camping and may be towed. Vehicles may not impede traffic flow.  No overnight parking.

b. Parking Services may evaluate and approve special parking access based on university events or other factors.  This special permission may require a parking permit or incur a parking fee.

3.15    Electric Vehicle Charging

a. BGSU offers several electric vehicle charging options on campus.  Locations can be found at     BGSU Campus Sustainability webpage.

b. Vehicles must be charging and pay for time while they are charging.  Rates are $1.00 per hour for a max of up to two hours.  Electric Vehicle charging stations are enforced 24/7 including weekends and holidays.

4. Parking Regulations

4.1 Permit Requirements

a. Vehicles must be parked so that the state-issued license plate is unobstructed, clearly visible and readable by license plate recognition from the drive aisles in parking lots. Backing in or pulling through a parking space is prohibited if the vehicle does not have a front state issued license plate.

b. Vehicles must be parked in marked spaces. Vehicles must be assigned a valid permit for the appropriate area in which the vehicle is parked during restricted hours. Permit types are indicated by colors (Green, Red, Blue) and name (Faculty/Staff, Commuter Student, Resident Student). Signs at the entrances of parking lots will list the general use of the area.  Use of specific spaces will be displayed posted signs or signs at individual spaces.

c. After hours (7:30 pm – 7:00 am) and Weekends, a permit registration is not required to park on campus unless otherwise specified. Enforcement still remains for reserved spaces, service spaces, fire lanes, disability spaces, restricted areas, and loading/unloading zones.

4.2 Parking Enforcement

a. Bowling Green State University Police Department and Parking Services enforce parking regulations. All lots are enforced for required permits year-round. Vehicles must be parked only in approved spaces indicated by parking lines. Any areas with crosshatched stripes, grass areas, etc. are “No Parking” areas. Vehicles must be parked in designated and marked spaces with the vehicle entirely parked with the parking spaces markings.

b. License plates are scanned to validate parking permit registration and permit limitations.

c. Parking is prohibited at all times in all fire lanes, roadways, tow away zones, grass/landscape, hardscape areas.

d. Vehicles shall not be driven or parked on any sidewalk, grass/landscape, or hardscape area unless otherwise approved by Parking Services.

4.3 Reserved Parking Spaces

a. Parking regulations are enforced 24 hours, seven days a week, including University Holidays. Vehicles parked in reserved spaces without the proper permit will be subject to fines and/or towed at the owner’s expense.

4.4 Lots/Areas Reserved for Events

a. All vehicles must be removed from lots/areas when designated as reserved for events before the posted time. Vehicles in violation will be subject to fine and/or towed at the owner’s expense.

4.5 Service Spaces

a. Parking regulations are enforced 24 hours, seven days a week, including University Holidays. Vehicles parked in service spaces without the proper permit will be subject to fines and/or towed at the owner’s expense. Vehicles with the proper Service Space permit are limited to four (4) consecutive hours.

4.6 Loading/Unloading Zones

a. Parking regulations are enforced 24 hours, seven days a week, including University Holidays. Vehicles parked in the loading/unloading zones will be subject to fines and/or towed at the owner’s expense.

4.7 20 Minute Spaces/Short Term Parking

a. Parking regulations are enforced 24 hours, seven days a week, including University Holidays. Vehicles parked over the 20-minute limit will be subject to a citation every 20 minutes and/or towed at the owner’s expense.

4.8 Visitor Parking

a. Visitors are required to obtain a parking permit. Visitors may purchase parking using the Paybyphone mobile application or pay kiosk in any of the designated pay lots or purchase a permit in the Parking Services office.
b. Faculty, staff and students associated with Bowling Green State University are not considered visitors.

4.9 Eligibility and Exceptions

a. Parking Services may designate lots to serve specific groups as necessary to fully utilize parking resources.

4.10 Outside Designated Space

a. No vehicle shall be parked in a manner that causes it to occupy any portion of two or more parking spaces simultaneously.

4.11 No Parking Area and Improper Uses of Parking Spaces

a. Parking is prohibited at all times in all fire lanes, roadways, tow away zones, grass/landscape, hardscape areas.

b. Blocking dumpsters and unauthorized parking at loading docks and service spaces is not permitted.

c. Parking in a fire lane, fire access area, or obstructing fire and rescue access is not permitted.

d. Parking spaces on campus may not be used to post the sale of a vehicle, wash vehicles, or store vehicles unless authorized by Parking Services.

e. Vehicles may only use one parking space at a time. No trailers may be attached to a vehicle while it is parked on campus unless authorized by Parking Services.

f. Storage units, trailers, jet skis or boats may not be placed in parking spaces without the prior consent of Parking Services.

g. No space may be blocked, reserved, or closed to access without the consent of Parking Services.

h. No spaces may be signed or designated for a particular use or user without the consent of Parking Services.

4.12 Prohibited Use of Parking Services Facilities without Prior Authorization from Parking Services

a. Using campus parking facilities for any purpose other than for what they are intended, for mass distribution or posting of information in the form of flyers, or anything else put on vehicles parked on campus.

b. Advertising any article, commodity, service or event.

c. Selling or offering for sale any article, commodity, or service except by those persons, firms or corporations who are official selling agencies of the University.

d. Use of campus parking areas for any purpose other than normal academic or administrative activities.

1. There will be a rental fee charge based on size of lot, length of use, and location

2. There will be a fee assessed for any labor and/or materials provided by Parking Services

3. There will be a fee assessed for any work required to return a lot to its condition prior to rental.

4.13 Abandoned Vehicles

a. Any vehicle that is determined to be “abandoned” will be removed at the owners expense.

4.14 Blocking Vehicles/Disabled Vehicles

a. Inoperable/disabled vehicles must be reported immediately to Parking Services (419-372-2776) and removed within 4 hours of the notification. Parking services office hours are 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.  If contacting Parking Services after hours, you may provide this information by leaving a voicemail or emailing at

b. Inoperable/disabled vehicles left standing in driveways, driving lanes, tow lanes, blocking vehicles, or other no parking areas are subject to being towed and fined.

c. It is advised that the owner/driver of the inoperable/disabled vehicle move the car to the nearest unreserved, designated parking space and obtain the proper permit from Parking Services immediately thereafter.

4.15 Towing Regulations

a. Vehicles found in violation of the following may be towed from campus to a designated storage facility:

1. Unauthorized vehicle parking in a space designated as TOW AWAY ZONE.

2. Unauthorized vehicle parking in a disability space.

3. Parking in a no parking area, grass, hardscape, landscape, sidewalk.

4. Repeat offenders parked illegally. Repeat offenders will be defined as those who have received 5 or more citations during a 12 month period.

5. Abandoned vehicles.

6. Unauthorized parking in a reserved space and/or lot.

7. A vehicle that has been booted and remains unclaimed beyond 48 hours of being immobilized.

8. In addition to any fine assessed, the owner of a towed vehicle is responsible for payment of any towing and/or storage fee charge for such towing.

9. Vehicles are released from towing 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, exclusive of holidays.

10. Any vehicle that poses a threat to the safety of campus and campus environment including vehicles leaking gasoline, other hazardous substances, or suspicious unattended vehicles. The BGSU Police Department or Parking Services will determine the need for towing in such circumstances.

11. Vehicles that have damaged or removed an immobilization device are eligible  to be towed.

4.16 Vehicle Booting

a. A vehicle may be booted under these conditions:

1. Any combination of 6 or more paid or unpaid violations

2. A Reproduction or Illegal Use of Permit violation and parked in violation at time of booting.

3. Unauthorized removal or damage of a boot. The car is subject to another boot or tow until the device is accounted for or recovered.

4. After 48 hours, or less if parked in a reserve space or if deemed a safety hazard by a parking services manager or the University Police, a vehicle will be towed and stored at the owner’s expense. All fees must be paid prior to release of a booted or towed vehicle. The vehicle owner must pay the towing contractor directly for all fees associated with towing and storage.

5. A boot fine will be assessed for all immobilizations. The boot fine may be paid online by credit card or in person at Parking Services office. This fee cannot be charged to a student’s Bursar account or payroll deducted.

6. Students may be referred to the Office of the Dean of Students and faculty and staff members may be referred to the appropriate personnel office for repeated violations.

7. Damage to the immobilizer device or loss of the device will be the responsibility of the vehicle owner/operator in addition may be subject to criminal charges.

4.17   Collections

a. Any citation older than 30 days will be sent to a collection agency.

b. Vehicles that have citations in the collections process are still eligible to be immobilized.

5. Appeals

5.1 Submission of Appeals

a. Individuals assigned parking violations and/or related fines may petition the penalty within ten (10) calendar days of the date of the citation. Only appeals received within ten calendar days from the date of the violation will be reviewed.

b. Appeals must be submitted online at the Parking Services website ( Only appeals submitted through this portal will be reviewed.

5.2 Appeal Ruling

a. Appeals will be reviewed by the appeals committee where the decision will be determined based on information available.

b. The decision reached by the appeals committee is final.

c. Appellants will be notified by email of the appeal decision.

d. If a citation is upheld, collection procedures will be initiated immediately.

5.3 Appeals Committee

a. The appeals committee is made up members of the Bowling Green State University campus. The Manager of Parking Services will assign a person to Chair the Appeals Committee. In the absence of a committee decision and/or in order to ensure timely adjudication, Parking Services may process adjudications on appeals as needed.

5.4 General Guidelines for Appeals Decisions

a. Appeal decisions are based on the following considerations; however exceptions may be applied. A decision in an appeals case does not constitute precedence in future similar cases:

1. Information provided by the appellant.

2. Information provided by Parking Services including previous violation records.

3. Parking Services Rules and Regulations.

4. Information contained in the parking violation notice.

5.5 Citation Payment

a. Students may pay in person at the Parking Services Office or made online. Payments may be made with cash, check, or credit/debit.

b. Faculty & Staff may pay in person at the Parking Services Office or made online. Payments may be made with cash, check, or credit/debit.

c. Visitors may pay in person at the Parking Services Office or made online.Payments may be made with cash, check, or credit/debit.

d. Payments may also be mailed via USPS in the green envelope you received the citation in. Proper postage is required.

Updated 8/8/2024

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Permit/Registration Offense 1st offense – warning
2nd offense – $25 fine
3rd offense and beyond – $50 fine
Unauthorized Use of Permit $250 fine
Shared Permit $50 fine
Failure to register ADA Placard/Plate

1st offense - warning

2nd offense - $25 fine

3rd offense and beyond - $50 fine

Parked in ADA Space $250 fine
Parked in a No Parking Area $50 fine
Parked in loading dock $50 fine
Parked on grass $50 fine
Parked on sidewalk/landscape
$50 fine
Parked in Roadway/Drive $50 fine
Parked in Fire Lane
$50 fine
Parked in Reserved Space/Area $50 fine
Overtime in short term area $25 fine
Not Parked in assigned area/lot

1st offense - warning

2nd offense and beyond - $50 fine

Outside designated space $25 fine
Overtime in pay to park $15 fine
Plate not facing drive aisle

1st offense - warning

2nd offense and beyond - $25 fine

Plate Obstructed $25 fine
Boot Warning (only 1 per year) Warning
Boot Violation
$50 fine (must be paid online)

Updated: 08/08/2024 05:48PM