Bruce Collet

School of Counseling, Higher Education, Leadership and Foundations
560 Education


Ph.D. Cultural and Educational Policy Studies, Loyola University Chicago, 2006

Dissertation: Migration, Education, and Perceptions of Natinal Identity among Somali Immigrants in Ontario. Defended with distinction.

M.Ed. Instructional Leadership
University of Illinois at Chicago, 1998.                      

B.A. Philosophy
University of Wisconsin – Madison, 1991.



  • EDFI 2980: School, Society, and Cultural Diversity
  • EDFI 2990: Field Experience in Cultural and Community Contexts
  • EDFI 4080: Education in a Pluralistic Society
  • HNRS 2010: Introduction to Critical Thinking


  • EDFI 6000: Philosophy of Education
  • EDFI 6010: Comparative Education
  • EDFI 6030: Social and Cultural Foundations of Education
  • EDFI 6890: Internship in Cross-Cultural Education
  • EDFI 7010: Comparative Higher Education
  • EDFI 7600: Seminar in International Education Policy


Institute for the Study of Culture and Society (ICS) Faculty Fellow, Bowling Green State University, 2021

Refugee Studies Centre, Department of International Development, University of Oxford, Oxford, England, 2016


EDUC 5442: Global Education in the Classroom: Research and Practice - Spring 2007, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

EDUC 4563: Comparative Perspectives on Global Migration and Education - Summer 2006, York University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada


Immigrant and refugee education; Religion, migration, and schooling in liberal democratic states; Religious migrants and secular schooling; Sanctuary churches; Sanctuary Public School Districts; Religious education; liberal multiculturalism; Security and secularization studies; Comparative education philosophy and methodology.


Editor in Chief, Journal of Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education: Studies of Migration, Integration, Equity, and Cultural Survival


Collet, B., & Macías, L. F. (2021) Sacred mobilisations: sanctuary churches and sanctuary schools. Advance online publication with Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education.

Bang, H., & Collet, B. (2020). I defeat those fears and start a new life: Iraqi refugee students’ PTSD, wisdom, and resilence. Advanced on-line in Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology.

Bang, H., & Collet, B. (2018). Educational gaps and their impact on Iraqi refugee students’ secondary schooling in the Greater Detroit, Michigan Area. Research in Comparative and International Education, 13(2), 299-331.

Macias, L. F., & Collet, B. (2016). Separated by removal: The impact of parental deportation on Latina/o children’s postsecondary educational goals. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 10(3), 169-181.

Collet, B., & Bang, H. (2016). The securitization of refugee flows and the schooling of refugees: Examining the cases of North Koreans in South Korea and Iraqis in Jordan. Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 46(2), 272-292. 

Collet, B., & Bang, H. (2014). The securitization of refugee flows and the schooling of refugees: Examining the cases of North Koreans in South Korea and Iraqis in Jordan. Compare, Online First.

Booth, M. Z., Curran, E., Frey, C. J., Gerard, J., Collet, B., & Bartimole, J. (2014). Ethnicity, gender, and adolescent attitude toward school: Adaptive perspectives in transitional times. Mid-western Educational Researcher, 6(2), 3-27.

Collet, B. (2014). Introduction to the special issue: Probing the nexus of migration, religion, and education. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 8(2), 55-58.

Lamont, S., & Collet, B. (2013). Muslim American university students’ perceptions of Islam and democracy: Deconstructing the dichotomy. Equity & Excellence in Education, 46(4), 433-450.   

Collet, B. (2011). Religion, forced migration and schooling: Varying influences of religious capital among Iraqi Christian refugee students in Jordan and the United States. Power & Education, 3(3), 274-288.

Collet, B. (2010). Refugee policy in Jordan and Iraqi refugee access to Jordanian schools. World Studies in Education, 11(1), 21-36.

Collet, B. A. (2010). Sites of refuge: Refugees, religiosity, and public schools in the United States. Educational Policy, 24(1), 189-215.

Collet, B. A. (2008). Confronting the insider-outsider polemic in conducting research with diasporic communities: Towards a community-based approach. Refuge, 25(1), 77-83.

Collet, B. A. (2007). Islam, national identity, and public secondary education: Perspectives from the Somali diaspora in Toronto, Canada. Race, Ethnicity, and Education, 10(2), 131-153.

Collet, B. (in press). An unorthodox comparison: Churches and schools within the U.S. New Sanctuary Movement, in A. Wiseman, E. Anderson, L. Damaschke-Deitrick, E. Galegher, N. Dzotsenidze, and M.Park (Ed.s) Handbook on Comparative Education. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Matemba, Y. and Collet, B. (Eds.). (2022). The Bloomsbury handbook of religious education in the Global South. Bloomsbury.

Matemba, Y. and Collet, B. (2022). Introduction: Comparative perspectives on religious education in the Global South. In Y. Matemba & B. Collet (Eds.), The Bloomsbury handbook of religious education in the Global South (pp. 1-6). Bloomsbury.

Collet, B. (2022). Challenges and opportunities for conducting comparative research on religious education in the Global South. In Y. Matemba & B. Collet (Eds.), The Bloomsbury handbook of religious education in the Global South (pp. 457-470). Bloomsbury.

Collet, B. (2020). Conducting comparative education research on the intersections of migration, religion, and schooling. In Z. Gross (Ed.), Migrants and comparative education: Call to re/engagement (pp. 32-50). Brill.

Chan, A. and Collet, B. (2019). The ‘r-word’ today: An expanded understanding of religion in secular and religious formal and non-formal educational spaces. In A. Wiseman (Ed.), Annual review of comparative and international education (pp. 43-50). Emerald.

Collet, B. (2018). Migration, religion, and schooling in liberal democratic states. Routledge.

Collet, B., & Bang, H. (2018). A multicultural analysis of migrant religions and state schooling in 20 Western democracies. In R. Hayhoe and M. Sivasubramaniam (Eds.), Religion and education: Comparative and international perspectives (pp. 351-379). Symposium Books.

Kubow, K., & Collet, B. (2015). Themes and resources of international and comparative education: An example from the university context in the USA. In M.P do Amaral and S.K. Amos (Eds.), International and comparative education: History, theory, method and research fields (pp. 155-170). Waxmann.

Collet, B. (2014). Challenges and opportunities in incorporating comparative research into contemporary teacher education. In A. W. Wiseman & E. Anderson (Eds.), Annual Review of Comparative and International Education 2014 (Vol. 25, pp. 37-43). Emerald.

Collet, B. (2013). Refugee education as a gauge of liberal multiculturalism: Iraqi students in Jordan and the United States. In H. Holmarsdottir & H. Biseth (Eds.), Human rights and education (Vol. 21, pp. 147-170). Sense Publishers.

Collet. B. (2012). Religion in public school curricula in the Middle East. In J. Banks (Ed.), Encyclopedia of diversity in education (pp. 1818-1823). Sage.

Collet, B., & Epstein, E. (2009). Education. In G. H. Fagan & R. Munck (Eds.), Globalization and security: An encyclopedia (Vol. II, pp. 119-135). Praeger Press.   

Collet, B. (2018). [Review of the book Teachers as allies: Transformative practices for teaching DREAMers & undocumented students, edited by S. Wong, E. Sanchez Gosnell, A.M.F. Luu, & L. Dodson]. Teachers College Record.

Collet, B. (2011). [Review of the book Citizenship, identity, and education in Muslim communities: Essays on attachment and obligation, edited by M. Merry & J. Milligan]. International Journal of Multicultural Education, 13(1), 1-3.

Collet, B. (2008). [Review of the book Culture, identity, and Islamic schooling: A philosophical approach, by M. Merry]. Education Review: A Journal of Book Reviews.

Baily, S. and Collet, B. (2023). Conversations: Bruce Collet with Supriya Baily. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education. Published First online 9 August 2023.

Cortina, R. and Collet, B. (2023). Conversations: Bruce Collet with Regina Corina. . Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education. Published First online 23 February 2023.

Bekerman, Z., MacPherson, S. and Collet, B. (2022). Conversations: Bruce Collet with Zvi Bekerman and Seoniagh MacPherson. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 16 (8), pp. 213-219.

Collet, B. (2014). Introduction to the special issue: Probing the nexus of migration, religion, and education. Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 8 (2), 55-58.

Kubow, P., Darabie, M., Collet, B., & Frey, C. (2009). Jordan focus group report. The Center for International Comparative Education, Bowling Green State University.

Collet, B. (2008). Islam, national identity, and educational policy: Lessons learned from the Somali diaspora in Toronto. Politics of Education Association Bulletin, 32(2), 1, 10-13.

Collet, B. (2007). Assessing Barriers to University Access among Internationally-Trained Professionals in Ontario; A Mapping and Critique of University Data Collection Methods. Research Paper prepared for the Ontario Universities Access Initiative for Internationally Trained Professionals, Council of Ontario Universities, Toronto, Ontario.

Collet, B. (2004). Community-based participatory research: A review of the literature. Research Paper prepared for the Wellesley Central Health Corporation, Toronto, Ontario.

Funded Research Projects & Grants

Collet, B. (2021). Sanctuary churches and sanctuary public schools in a context of migration securitization. Building Strength Major Research Grant. Office of Sponsored Programs and Research, BGSU (funded $10,000).

Collet, B. (2016). Migration, religion, and schooling in liberal democratic states. Research Grant. Research Development Committee. College of Education and Human Development, BGSU (funded $12,500).

Collet, B. (2015). Migration, religion, and schooling in liberal democratic states: The making of new citizens in new religious landscapes. Building Strength Grant Program, Office of Sponsored Programs and Research, BGSU (funded $5,000).

Bang, H. (PI) & Collet, B. (Co-PI). (2012). Wisdom Development and Adaptation to Schooling among Iraqi Refugee Secondary Students in the Detroit Metropolitan Area. Faculty Research Committee, BGSU ($10,000).

Collet, B. (PI). (2010). Here, There, and Elsewhere: Refugee Families in Milwaukee. Ethnic Cultural Arts Program Grant ($900)

Kubow, P. (PI), Darabie, M., Collet, B., & Simon, M. (Co-PIs) (2010). Multiculturalism and Arab Identities—Citizenship, Identity, and the Politics of Belonging: The Case of Jordan Office of Postsecondary Education. Fulbright-Hays Group Projects Abroad, U.S. Department of Education Grant, ($83,679).

Booth, M. Z. (PI), Gerard, J., Frey, C., & Collet, B. (2009). Improving Academic Achievement and Social Opportunity for Adolescents from Low SES, Multi-Cultural Rural Communities. Research Development Council Grant ($12,500).

Collet, B. (PI) (2006). Identifying Urban Health Issues among Somali Youth. Wellesley Central Health Corporation, Toronto ($12,000).  

Committee Service at BGSU

2017- 2021 Coordinator, MACIE program

2015 – 2016 Acting Coordinator, MACIE program

2009-2011, 2013- 2016 Coordinator, Social Foundations Area

2012-2013 Member, School Director Search Committee

2011- 2016 Member, Personnel Committee

2021 – Present Member, Research Development Council

2021 Member, HESA New Faculty Search Committee

2020 – Present Member, College Futures Committee / Advance Team

2019  – 2021 Chair, ad-hoc Committee on TESOL Endorsement

2018 – Present Member, Inclusion and Diversity Committee

2018-2021 Member, Student Support Team

2015 – 2016 Member, Undergraduate Council

2012 - 2015 Member, Multicultural Initiatives Committee (Co-Chair, 2012-2013; Chair, 2013-2014)

2009 – 2013 Member, Scholarship Committee (Vice-Chair, 2009-2010, 2011-2012; Chair, 2010-2011)

2017 – 2021 Member, Graduate Council

2020 – 2021 Member, Graduate Council Subcommittee Curriculum and Degree Program

2018 – 2020 Member, Graduate Council Subcommittee on Policy Issues

2017 – 2018 Member, Graduate Council Subcommittee Graduate Student Issues

2013- 2016 Member, Faculty Senate

2013- 2016 Member, Senate Committee on Professional Affairs

2015 –2016 Member, Graduate Council

2015- 2016 Member, Graduate Council Subcommittee Curriculum and Degree Program

Professional Service

2021 - Present Co-Chair, Special Interest Group on Religion and Education, Comparative and International Education Society

2021 External Reviewer for candidate for promotion to Professor, Drexel University.

2021 External Reviewer for candidate for tenure, and promotion to Associate Professor, High Point University, North Carolina

2019 – 2021 Member, SIG Oversight Committee, Comparative and International Education Society

2019 External Reviewer for candidate for promotion to Professor, Indiana University East.

2017 Co-Chair, Special Interest Group on Religion and Education, Comparative and International Education Society

2017 – Present Mentor, New Scholars Committee, Comparative and International Education Society

2017 -  2018 Committee Member, Gail Kelly Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation, Comparative and International Education Society

2007 - 2016 Centre Scholar, Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Ontario, Canada

2017 External Reviewer for candidate for tenure and promotion to Senior Interculturalization Coordinator, Thompson Rivers University, British Columbia, Canada

2013 – 2017 Secretary, Special Interest Group on Religion and Education, Comparative and International Education Society

2014 Guest Editor, Migration, Religion and Education. Special issue of Diaspora, Indigenous and Minority Education.

2007-present Scholar, Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Toronto

2004-2009 Junior Editor, Refugee Journal, Centre for Refugee Studies, York University, Toronto

2004-2006 Volunteer,The Somali-Canadian Working Group for New Generation, Toronto

2002–2006 Coordinator, Comparative and International Education Course Archive Project,
 Loyola University Chicago           

2002-2003 Vice-President, Comparative and International Education Graduate Student Association, Loyola University Chicago

2000-2001 Liaison, Chicago Board of Education Academic Accountability Council

1998-2001, Member, Chicago Panel on School Policy Task Force on Parent Involvement

1999, Member, Kohl/McCormick Early Childhood Teaching Awards Advisory Board, Chicago


2018 Certificate of Appreciation, Center for Faculty Excellence 12th Annual BGSU Teaching and Learning Summit, Bowling Green State University

2014 Distinguished Alumnus Award, Cultural and Educational Policy Studies, Loyola University Chicago Honors

Updated: 08/15/2024 10:58AM