Bowling Green State University has been named to the 2017 Class of Excellence in Assessment for its achievement and commitment to student learning outcomes assessment. The University is one of just five designees in the national Excellence in Assessment program aimed at recognizing universities conducting a comprehensive assessment of student learning outcomes as a means to drive internal improvement and advance student success.
Now in its second year, the program is the first national designation of its kind. It was created to acknowledge the important work colleges and universities are doing through comprehensive assessment activities and to highlight those practices so that other institutions can draw upon them for their own efforts. Designations are in place for five years and universities are able to reapply.
Sponsors of the EIA program are the Voluntary System of Accountability, a public college and university transparency initiative led by the Association of Public and Land-grant Universities and the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, in partnership with the Association of American Colleges & Universities and the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment.
“Assessment is the key to success for institutions of higher education,” said BGSU President Mary Ellen Mazey. “By creating and maintaining strong and effective assessment programs and tools, BGSU is at the leading edge of this important component of education.”