Office of the Dean of Students

The Office of the Dean of Students programs and services help to create a community of care that prioritizes belonging and well-being.

We collaborate with and support students, families, faculty, staff, and the local community to promote student success.

Reporting Student Related Issues

If this is a life-threatening emergency, please call 911. If you need to talk to a mental health proffessional there is an on-call counselor is available to all BGSU students at 419-372-2081 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m at the Counseling Center. Monday through Friday for crisis situations. The BGSU community, including students, can utilize the Wood County Crisis Line at 419-502-4673, a 24-hour, 7-days-a-week crisis resource for individuals in Wood County.

Reporting a Non-Emergency Student Related Issue 

Bowling Green State University is committed to fostering a safe and welcoming campus community. We want to ensure that students, faculty, staff and the public have the ability to inform the University of issues such as:

1.   Student or Student Organization Misconduct

2.   Students of Concern

3.   Hazing

4.   Title IX and Sexual Harassment

5.   Campus Climate Concerns

6.   Harassment/ Discrimination

8 a.m. to 5 p.m. | Monday-Friday
303 University Hall
Fax: 419-372-0499

Staff Directory

Updated: 08/07/2024 02:20PM